The King
The Pearl
The River
The Frogs
Love Song
At the Fair
Three Gifts
The Statue
The Dancer
The Madman
Field of Zaad
Two Princess
The Wanderer
The Exchange
Body and Soul
Upon the Sand
Peace and War
Eagle and Skylark
Hermit and Beasts
Builders Of Bridges
Laws & Law Giving
- Tears and Laughters
- Two Guardian Angels
- Yesterday and Today
Prophet and The Child
and Laughter Upon the bank
of the nile at eventide, a hyena met a crocodile and they stopped and
greeted one another.
The hyena spoke and said, "How goes the day with you, Sir?"
And the crocodile answered saying, "It goes badly with me. Sometimes in my
pain and sorrow I weep, and then the creatures always say, 'They are but
crocodile tears.' And this wounds me beyond all telling."
Then the hyena said, "You speak of your pain and your sorrow, but think of
me also, for a moment. I gaze at the beauty of the world, its wonders and
its miracles, and out of sheer joy I laugh even as the day laughs. And then
the people of the jungle say, 'It is but the laughter of a hyena.'"
The Red Earth
Said a tree
to a man, "My roots are in the deep red earth, and I shall give you of my
And the man said to the tree, "How alike we are. My roots are also deep in
the red earth. And the red earth gives you power to bestow upon me of your
fruit, and the red earth teaches me to receive from you with thanksgiving."
The Full Moon
The full moon
rose in glory upon the town, and all the dogs of that town began to bark at
the moon.
Only one dog did not bark, and he said to them in a grave voice, "Awake not
stillness from her sleep, nor bring you the moon to the earth with your
Then all the dogs ceased barking, in awful silence. But the dog who had
spoken to them continued barking for silence, the rest of the night.