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Kahlil Gibran - Wanderer

  1. The King
  2. Garments
  3. The Pearl
  4. The River
  5. The Frogs
  6. Love Song
  7. At the Fair
  8. Three Gifts
  9. The Statue
  10. The Dancer
  11. The Madman
  12. Field of Zaad
  13. Two Princess
  14. The Wanderer
  15. The Exchange
  16. Body and Soul
  17. Upon the Sand
  18. Peace and War
  19. Eagle and Skylark
  20. Hermit and Beasts
  21. Builders Of Bridges
  22. Laws & Law Giving
  23. Tears and Laughters
  24. Two Guardian Angels
  25. Yesterday and Today
  26. Prophet and The Child
The Prophet And The Child

Once on a day the prophet Sharia met a child in a garden. The child ran to him and said, "Good morrow to you, Sir," and the prophet said, "Good morrow to you, Sir." And in a moment, "I see that you are alone."

Then the child said, in laughter and delight, "It took a long time to lose my nurse. She thinks I am behind those hedges; but can't you see that I am here?" Then he gazed at the prophet's face and spoke again. "You are alone, too. What did you do with your nurse?"

The prophet answered and said, "Ah, that is a different thing. In very truth I cannot lose her oftentime. But now, when I came into this garden, she was seeking after me behind the hedges."

The child clapped his hands and cried out, "So you are like me! Isn't it good to be lost?" And then he said, "Who are you?"

And the man answered, "They call me the prophet Sharia. And tell me, who are you?"

"I am only myself," said the child, "and my nurse is seeking after me, and she does not know where I am."

Then the prophet gazed into space saying, "I too have escaped my nurse for awhile, but she will find me out."

And the child said, "I know mine will find me out too."
At that moment a woman's voice was heard calling the child's name, "See," said the child, "I told you she would be finding me."

And at the same moment another voice was heard, "Where art thou, Sharia?" And the prophet said, "See my child, they have found me also."
And turning his face upward, Sharia answered, "Here I am."

Finding God

Two men were walking in the valley, and one man pointed with his finger toward the mountain side, and said, "See you that hermitage? There lives a man who has long divorced the world. He seeks but after

God, and naught else upon this earth."
And the other man said, "He shall not find God until he leaves his hermitage, and the aloneness of his hermitage, and returns to our world, to share our joy and pain, to dance with our dancers at the wedding feast, and to weep with those who weep around the coffins of our dead."

And the other man was convinced in his heart, though in spite of his conviction he answered, "I agree with all that you say, yet I believe the hermit is a good man. And it may it not well be that one good man by his absence does better than the seeming goodness of these many men?"