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J Krishnamurti - Children must be helped to be intelligent, sensitiveQuestioner: It is the universally accepted conclusion
of modern intellectuals that educators have failed. What is, then, the
task of those whose function it is to teach the young? But if children are not a mere means of amusement or a result of accidents, if you really love them in the profound sense of the word - and to love somebody means to be in complete communion with them - then education has quite a different significance. If as a parent you really love your children, you will see that they have the right kind of education. In other words, children must be helped to be intelligent, sensitive, to have a mind and heart that are pliable, able to deal with any situation. Surely, if you really love your child, you as a parent will not be a nationalist, you will not belong to any country, you will not belong to any organized religion because, obviously, if you are a nationalist, if you worship the state, then you inevitably destroy your son because you are creating war. If you really love your son, you will find out what is your right
relationship with property, because it is the possessive instinct which
has given property such enormous significance and which is destroying
the world. Again, if you really love your children, you will not belong
to any particular religion because belief creates antagonism between man
and man. If you love your children, you will do all these things. So,
that is one aspect. Surely, the occupations of soldier, lawyer, and policeman are not right professions for decent human beings. (Laughter) Don't laugh it off. By laughing it off, you are pushing it aside. You can see that these professions do not contribute to the total well-being of man, though they may be necessary in a society that has already become corrupt. Therefore, first of all, you have to find out why it is that you have children, and what it is that you are educating them for. If you are merely educating them to be technicians, naturally you will find the best technician to educate your child, and he will be made into a machine, he will discipline himself to conform to a pattern. Is that all there is to our existence, our struggle, and our happiness - merely to become mechanics, tank or airplane experts, scientists, physicists inventing new ways of destruction? Therefore, education is your responsibility, is it not?
What is it you want your children to be, or not to be? What is the
purpose of existence? If it is merely to adjust to a system, to efface
oneself for a party, then it is very simple; then all that you have to
do is to conform and fit in. But if life is meant to be lived rightly,
fully, joyously, sensitively, then there must be quite a different
process of education in which there is the cultivation of sensitivity,
of intelligence, and not mere technique - though technique is necessary. Surely, it depends on you what kind of education your children will have. As the question says, education throughout the world has failed, it has produced catastrophe after catastrophe, destruction and more destruction, bloodshed, rape, and murder. Obviously, education has failed, and if you look to the experts, the specialists, to educate your children, the disaster must continue because the specialists, being concerned only with the part and not with the whole, are themselves inhuman. Surely, the first thing is to have love, for if there is love, it will find the way to educate the children rightly. But you see, we are all brains and no heart; we have cultivated the intellect, and in ourselves we are so absurdly lopsided - and then the problem arises of what to do with the children. Surely, it is obvious that the educator
himself needs educating - and the educator is you, for the home
environment is as important as the school environment. So, you have to
transform yourself first to give the right environment to the child, for
the environment can make him either a brute, an unfeeling technician, or
a very sensitive, intelligent human being. The environment is yourself
and your action, and unless you transform yourself, the environment, the
present society in which we live, must inevitably harm the child, make
him rude, rough, unintelligent. If you really loved your
son and knew the war was coming, as it inevitably is, do you mean to say
you would not act, you would not find a way of stopping war? You see, we
don't love; we use the word love, but the content of that word has no
meaning anymore. So, taking all these factors into consideration, you have to find out what is the meaning of existence, why you are living, why you are producing children; and you have to find out how to create a new environment - for, what the environment is, your child is. He listens to your talk, he repeats what the older people think and do. So, you have to create a right environment, not only at
home, but outside, which is society; and you have to create a new kind
of government which is radically different, which is not based on
nationalism, on the sovereign state with its armies and efficient ways
of murdering people. That implies seeing your responsibility in
relationship, and you actually see that responsibility in relationship
only when you love somebody. When your heart is full, then you find a
way. This is urgent, it is imminent - you cannot wait for the experts to
come and tell you how to educate your child. Only you who love will find
the way, for those hearts are empty that look to the experts. Therefore, it is your responsibility as the father, as the mother; you have got to transform yourself. These are not just words I am indulging in. One sees this calamity approaching so closely and dangerously, and we sit here and do not do a thing about it, or if we do, we look to some leader and turn our hearts over to him. It is an obvious fact that when you pursue a leader, you choose that leader out of your own confusion, and therefore the leader himself is confused. (Laughter) Don't laugh it off as a clever remark - please look at it, see what you are doing. It is you who
are responsible for the appalling horror which we have come to, and you
are not facing it. You go out and do exactly the same thing that you did
yesterday, and you feel your responsibility is over when you ask that
question about education and pass your child on to a teacher who teaches
and beats him. Don't you see? Related
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