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Jiddu Krishnamurti on Killing Psychos
and Tyrants
Questioner: If there is someone, say a madman, loose
and killing people, and it is within one's power to stop him by killing
him, what should one do?
Jiddu Krishnamurti : So let us kill all the
Presidents, all the rulers, all the tyrants, all the neighbours, and
yourself! (Laughter) No, no, do not laugh. We are part of all this. We
have contributed by our own violence to the state the world is in. We
don't see this clearly.
We think that by getting rid of a few people by
pushing aside the establishment, we are going to solve the whole
problem. Every physical revolution has been based on this, the French,
the Communist and so on and they have ended up in bureaucracy or
So my friends, to bring about a different way of living is to bring it
about not for others but for oneself; because the `other' is oneself,
there is no `we' and `they', there is only ourselves. If one really sees
this, not verbally, not intellectually, but with one's heart, then one
will see there can be a total action having a completely different kind
of result, so there will be a new social structure, not the throwing out
of one establishment and the creating of another.
One must have patience to enquire; young people do not have patience,
they want instant results - instant coffee, instant tea, instant
meditation - which means that they have never understood the whole
process of living. If one understands the totality of living there is an
action which is instantaneous, which is quite different from the instant
action of impatience.
Look, see what is going on in America, the racial
riots, the poverty, the ghettos, the utter meaninglessness of education
as it is - look at the division in Europe, and how long it takes to
bring about a Federated Europe. And look at what is happening in India,
Asia, Russia and China.
When one looks at all that and the various divisions
of religion, there is only one answer, one action, a total action, not a
partial or fragmentary action. That total action is not to kill another
but to see the divisions that have brought about this destruction of
man. When one really seriously and sensitively sees that, there will be
quite a different action.
Questioner: For someone who is born in a
country where there is complete tyranny so that he is totally
suppressed, having no opportunity of doing anything himself - I feel
most people here cannot imagine it - he is born in this situation and so
were his parents, what has he done to create the chaos in this world?
Jiddu Krishnamurti : Probably he has not
done anything. What has the poor man done who lives in the wilds of
India, or in a small village in Africa, or in some happy little valley,
not knowing anything that is happening in the rest of the world? In what
ways has he contributed to this monstrous structure? Probably he has not
done anything, poor fellow, what can he do?
Questioner: What does it mean to be
serious? I have the feeling that I am not serious.
Jiddu Krishnamurti : Let us find out
together. What does it mean to be serious - so that you are completely
dedicated to something, to some vocation, that you want to go right to
the end of it. I am not defining it, do not accept any definition. One
wants to find out how to live quite a different kind of life, a life in
which there is no violence, in which there is complete inward freedom;
one wants to find out and intends giving time, energy, thought,
everything, to that. I would call such a person a serious person.
He is not easily put off - he may amuse himself, but
his course is set. This does not mean that he is dogmatic or obstinate,
that he does not adjust. He will listen to others, consider, examine,
observe. He may in his seriousness become self-centred; that very self-centredness
will prevent him from examining; but, he has got to listen to others, he
has got to examine, to question constantly; which means that he has to
be highly sensitive.
He has to find out how and to whom he listens. So he
is all the time listening, pursuing, enquiring; he is discovering and
with a sensitive brain, a sensitive mind, a sensitive heart they are not
separate things - he is enquiring with the totality and the sensitivity
of all that. Find out if the body is sensitive; be aware of its
gestures, its peculiar habits.
You cannot be sensitive physically if you overeat, nor
can you become sensitive through starvation or fasting. One has to have
regard for what one eats. One has to have a brain that is sensitive;
that means a brain that is not functioning in habits, pursuing its own
particular little pleasure, sexual or otherwise.
Source: Jiddu Krishnamurti 1st Public Talk Saanen 16th
July 1970
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