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Devotional Stories

  1. The Magic Bowl
  2. Innocent Prayer
  3. Lord Rama
  4. Devotion
  5. Michelangelo & Jesus
  6. Buddha & Yashodhara
  7. King Jayamal Devotion
  8. Sage Narada & Sannyasins

Magic Bowl of Sadhu

In old times the Kings used to respect Sadhus (Renunciates) a lot. One morning a Great Sadhu knocked at the door of a Great King and asked him to fill his begging bowl with any thing.

King was very happy to hear the Sadhu's request and he ordered his staff to fill his bowl with Gold coins. The moment Gold coins were put inside the Bowl, instantly they used to disappear.

This happened again and again.By the end of the day the King's treasure was empty and the Bowl was also empty.

Nothing from the King's treasure was able to fill the Bowl. At last with folded hands the King asked the Sadhu humbly. please tell me the secret to fill this mysterious bowl”.

The Sadhu said “this bowl is made from the heart of a Human”. Nothing of this world can satisfy and fill a human heart.

Name, fame, Power, Money, Sex and Comforts etc can never fill human heart. Human heart is made to love God and Only Love for God can fill it.