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J Krishnamurti Discourses on

  1. Fear
  2. Love
  3. Hate
  4. Laziness
  5. Security
  6. Violence
  7. Suffering
  8. Creativity
  9. Education
  10. Loneliness
  11. Discontent
  12. Relationship
  13. Work of Man
  14. Responsibility
  15. Self Deception
  16. Transformation
  17. Medicore people
  18. Purpose of Living
  19. Issue of Marriage
  20. On Helping Others
  21. J Krishnamurti Jokes
  22. J Krishnamurti Quotes
  23. Self Centered Activity
  24. J Krishnamurti on Hope
  25. Core of Jiddu Teachings
  26. Meditation Experiences
  27. Can a Woman live Alone
  28. Krishnamurti talk on God
  29. Krishnamurti on Meditation
  30. Krishnamurti on Loneliness

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Jiddu Krishnamurti on Freedom from Fear

Question: Can one dissolve fear completely by finding the cause of fear?

Jiddu Krishnamurti : You know, if you are giving your complete attention, at the end of an hour of this kind of talk, your mind must be tired, and your body must be tired too. To listen with complete attention is something which most of us have never done before, and it is very arduous.

The lady asks: ``Is fear dissolved through knowing the cause of fear? '' Is it? One generally knows the cause of fear: death, public opinion, the things one has done that one doesn't want to be discovered, and so on. Most people know the cause of their fear, but that obviously doesn't end fear.

Through analysis one may discover some hidden cause of fear, but again that does not free the mind from fear. What brings freedom from fear - and I assure you the freedom is complete - is to be aware of fear without the word, without trying to deny or escape from fear, without wanting to be in some other state.

If with complete attention you are aware of the fact that there is fear, then you will find that the observer and the observed are one, there is no division between them. There is no observer who says, ``I am afraid''; there is only fear without the word which indicates that state.

The mind is no longer escaping, no longer seeking to get rid of fear, no longer trying to find the cause, and therefore it is no longer a slave to words. There is only a movement of learning which is the outcome of innocence, and an innocent mind has no fear.

Source - J Krishnamurti Talk in London, Saanen August 2, 1962

Related Jiddu Krishnamurti Discourses:
         Jiddu Krishnamurti on What is Fear
         Can I look at Fear without the idea of Fear

         Jiddu Krishnamurti on Understanding all Fears
         J Krishnamurti - how do we deal with the superficial fears
         How am I to get rid of fear, which influences all my activities