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Osho Passive Meditations

  1. Dropping Words
  2. 4 Levels of Relaxing
  3. Celebrating Suffering
  4. Golden Light Meditation
  5. Atisha's Heart Meditation
  6. Awareness & Acceptance
  7. Limb Loosener
  8. Natural Breathing
  9. Watching the Breath
  10. Inner Smile Meditation
  11. Meditating on the Night
  12. Osho Smoking Meditation
  13. Conscious Sleeping
  14. Sleeping & Waking Up
  15. Witnessing Meditation
  16. Meditation on Clear Sky
  17. Passive Meditation Quotes
  18. Breast Sucking Meditation

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Osho on Sky Mediation, Meditate on the sky

Osho : Meditate on the sky; a summer sky with no clouds, endlessly empty and clear, nothing moving in it, in its total virginity. Contemplate on it, meditate on it, and enter this clarity. Become this clarity, this space-like clarity.

If you meditate on open unclouded sky, suddenly you will feel that the mind is disappearing, the mind is dropping away. There will be gaps. Suddenly you will become aware that it is as if the clear sky has entered in you also. There will be intervals. For a time being, thoughts will cease – as if the traffic has ceased and there is no one moving.


In the beginning it will be only for moments, but even those moments are transforming. By and by the mind will slow down, bigger gaps will appear. For minutes together there will be no thought, no cloud. And when there IS no thought, no cloud, the outer sky and the inner become one, because only the thought is the barrier, only the thought creates the wall; only because of the thought the outer is outer and the inner is inner.

When the thought is not there, the outer and the inner lose their boundaries, they become one. Really, boundaries never existed there. They appeared only because of the thought, the barrier. To meditate on the sky is beautiful. Just lie down so you forget the earth; just lie down on your back on any lonely beach, on any ground, and just look at the sky.

But a clear sky will be helpful – unclouded, endless. And just looking, staring at the sky, feel the clarity of it – the uncloudedness, the boundless expanse – and then enter that clarity, become one with it. Feel as if you have become the sky, the space.In the beginning, if you only meditate on the open sky, not doing anything else, intervals will start appearing, because whatsoever you see enters you. Whatsoever you see stirs you within; whatsoever you see is pictured, reflected.

You see a building. You cannot simply see it; something immediately starts happening within you. You see a man, a woman; you see a car – you see anything. It is not just outside, something has started within, the reflection, and you have started reacting to it. So everything you see moulds you, makes you, modifies you, creates you. The without is constantly related with the within. To look into the open sky is good.

Just the expanse is beautiful, with no boundaries there. Your own boundaries will disappear, because the no-boundary sky will reflect within you. And if you can stare without blinking your eyes it will be good. If you stare without blinking your eyes... because if you blink your eyes your thought-process will continue. Stare without blinking the eyes.

Stare in the emptiness, move into that emptiness, feel that you have become one with it, and any moment the sky will enter within you. First you enter into the sky and then the sky enters you. And there is a meeting: the inner sky meeting the outer sky. In that meeting is realization. In that meeting there is no mind, because the meeting can happen only when the mind is not there. In that meeting you are for the first time not your mind. There is no confusion.

Confusion cannot exist without the mind. There is no misery, because misery also cannot exist without the mind. Have you observed this fact anytime or not – that misery cannot exist without your mind? You cannot be miserable without your mind. The very source is not there. Who will supply you with this misery?

Who will make you miserable? And the same is true from the opposite direction also: you cannot be miserable without your mind and you cannot be blissful with your mind. The mind can never be the source of bliss. So if the inner and outer sky meet and mind disappears, even for a moment, you will be filled with a new life. The quality of that life is absolutely different.

It is life eternal, uncontaminated by death, uncontaminated by any fear. In that meeting you will be here and now, in the present – because past belongs to thoughts, future belongs to thoughts. Past and future are part of your mind. Present is Existence – it is not part of your mind.

For more on this technique please read "Vigyan Bhairav tantra Part 2"