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Darshan Diaries Meditations

  1. Saying 'Osho'
  2. Stop Exercise
  3. Aura Protection
  4. Feel the Breath
  5. Zazen Meditation
  6. Right Mindfulness
  7. Death Meditation
  8. Shaking Meditation
  9. Meditation for Fear
  10. Running Meditation
  11. Buddhist Meditation
  12. Taking Notice Thrice
  13. Psychic Self Defence
  14. Meditation for Couples
  15. Golden Mist Meditation
  16. Meditation for Smokers
  17. Navel Center Meditation
  18. Meditation in Aeroplane
  19. Meditation for Negativity
  20. Mirror Gazing Meditation
  21. Osho Chanting Meditation
  22. Osho Suchness Meditation
  23. AH AHA AHOO Meditation
  24. Buddha Statue Meditation
  25. Meditation for Restlessness

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Osho Meditations - Be Afraid Meditation

[A sannyasin, arriving, says: I’m afraid of going back to the West and I’m also afraid of staying here.]

Osho - That’s the situation that almost everybody is in. Fear is the state of the normal human mind; one is afraid, simply afraid. It is not a question of what one does; all are excuses, just pegs to hang your fear on, that’s all. So if you are here, you are afraid of that; if you go there, you are afraid of that.

If you do this, you are afraid of this; if you do something else, you will be afraid of that. So rather than thinking about why you are afraid, go deeper into this state of fear. Don’t be bothered by the excuses, they are irrelevant. Go into this fear, just be afraid – why find excuses? If fear is there, then why not be simply afraid? And you will have a tremendous experience.

From tonight, every night for one hour before you go to sleep, sit in the darkness of your room and just be afraid, for no reason at all. Tremble, shake, be afraid – and remember, don’t try to find any reason for it. There is no reason really.

Man is fear, and if we can go deep into fear without finding any explanations, then the fear can be transformed into love. It is the same energy that becomes love. But first you have to go into it, to the rock bottom of it. So this has to be your meditation for a few days, and after six weeks report on how you are feeling.

[She has done many groups and previously worked in the ashram.]

Then start working, and just join the music group in the night. Then in the late night when you are going to sleep, the fear meditation. Good.

Source: " Won't You Join The Dance, Chapter 27 " - Osho