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Osho Chanting
[The new sannyasin says he loves to chant.]
Osho -
Good. Chanting is very good; it will suit you. Start chanting: every day for at least one hour chant and go mad in chanting. It should not be done in a lukewarm way; it should not be done in a ritualistic way. It should be wild; only then will it help. You should be completely lost in it. It should be so total that not only are you chanting by the throat – your whole body starts chanting it.
You will start feeling the vibration. Chanting done totally vibrates every fibre of the body from the head to the
toe. Chanting has to be from the guts. Chanting is perfectly good. Devote one hour to chanting, but make it a wild joy! And there is no need to have any form. Even if the chanting becomes absurd, nonsensical, becomes gibberish, it is perfectly okay; that is not the point. The chanting has not to be meaningful.
Chanting is the meaning; there is no other meaning in it. What you are chanting is irrelevant – that you are chanting is relevant. So you can chant ’ram, ram...’ or ’allah, allah...’ or anything. Or you can change as the feeling moves you. Sometimes you can simply start uttering wild noises. And you will be transformed by it – it will change the very chemistry of your body – so chanting is good.
And one thing – if you can do it before you come – is Vipassana. It is a Buddhist meditation course. Otherwise, when you come here do it. Chanting will do for these two, three months. Good! And help my people there! Mm? Good!
Source: " Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There, Chapter 28 " - Osho
Related Osho Meditations:
- Osho Nadabrahma
- Osho on Mantra chanting and
Nadabrahma Meditation
