saint kabir songs
tale of love, untellable
tell and still it is
drunk with boundless youth
a true lover never dies
one who walks alone
why wander away?
enter your temple
why go to others?
relax in joy
come what may, allow
simple union is the best
immersed in great bliss
if you do not find your
he himself is the creator
the formless is in
the midst of all forms
the secret of this love
one thing in the
world that satisfies
kabir songs - i am
immersed in that one great bliss
I shut not my eyes, I close not my ears,
l do not mortify my body;
I see with eyes open and smile,
and behold his beauty everywhere:
I utter his name,
and whatever l see, it reminds me of him;
whatever I do, it becomes his worship.
The rising and setting are one to me;
all contradictions are solved.
wherever I go I move around him.
All I achieve is his service:
When I lie down, I lie prostrate at his feet.
He is the only adorable one to me:
I have none other.
My tongue has left off impure words,
it sings his glory day and night:
whether I rise or sit down, I can never forget him;
for the rhythm of his music beats in my ears.
Kabir says;
My heart is frenzied.
and I disclose in my soul what is hidden.
I am immersed in that one great bliss
which transcends all pleasure and pain.