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saint kabir songs

  1. tale of love, untellable

  2. tell and still it is hidden

  3. drunk with boundless youth

  4. a true lover never dies

  5. one who walks alone

  6. why wander away?

  7. enter your temple

  8. why go to others?

  9. relax in joy

  10. come what may, allow

  11. simple union is the best

  12. immersed in great bliss

  13. if you do not find your soul

  14. he himself is the creator

  15. the formless is in the midst of all forms

  16. the secret of this love

  17. one thing in the world that satisfies



Kabir Songs - Tell and still it is hidden

Knowledge of inner experience
many come asking for.
Struck dumb savoring the sweet,
whose mouth will tell the tale?

The sign of the dumb
only the dumb understand.
Likewise the joy of a sage
only a sage knows.

Not of written words
but of experiencing:
When the bride meets His embrace
the guests all fade away.

That which sees cannot speak,
which speaks cannot hear,
that which hears cannot explain.
Why tongue, eyes, ears?

What is full empties out;
What is empty fills up.
Empty, full - neither to be found.
The experience is this.

Such a wonder! It is never told.
Tell, and still it is hidden.
Koran and Vedas couldn't write it.
If I say it, who will listen?