Be Indifferent
- There is no Goal
- Charity is Sharing
Path towards God
- Rabia al-Adawiyya
- Sufi Mystic Bayazid
Osho on Judgement
- Osho on Laila Majnu
Osho on Attachment
Sufi Rabia on
Sufi Moinuddin
Identification is Misery
- How to Stop Mad
- Sufi Rabiya and Hassan
Master is Always There
Mulla Nasruddin wisdom
- This World is only a caravanserai
- Rabiya and Hassan Story
Osho - Path
towards God is Inwards
Osho :
A Sufi story says:
A man has purchased a cow, and he was not accustomed to dealing with cows.
So he was trying to drag the cow along holding the cow’s horns, and the cow
was very resistant – obviously, this man was new. She wanted to go to her
home, she wanted to go to her old owner.
A Sufi mystic was watching. He said to the man, ”It seems you are very new;
you don’t know how to deal with cows. This is not the right way.”
The man said, ”What should I do, because I am not that strong. The cow is
stronger; she is dragging me with her.”
The mystic gave him some beautiful green grass, and told him, ”Leave her
horns. You take this grass and just move ahead of her. Keep the grass very
close, but don’t allow her to eat it. As she moves towards the grass, you go
on moving towards your home.” And it worked.
The cow came because the grass was so close and so green and so fresh. She
forgot all about the owner; the immediate problem was how to get this grass.
And it is so close, just hanging in front of your eyes. But the man went on
moving slowly, the distance between the cow and the grass remained the same.
And she entered into the house of the new owner, and he closed the door.
Religions have been hanging carrots in front of you. Those hopes are never
fulfilled, they are hopeless, those promises are empty.
When I destroy your hopes and your expectations and your ideas of God and
your relationship with the world, naturally there is bound to be a small gap
before you choose the right path. And the right path is not the
existentialism of the West. The right path is the meditation that the East
has been using for centuries and has worked out completely into a science.
You move inwards.
Source: "God is Dead, Now Zen is the Only Living Truth" - Osho
