Prodigal Son
Life is
a dream
Its Already Here
Svetaketu story
Ask Desirelessness
Story of Every Man
Shaikh Farid
You are Enlightened
Ashtavakra & King Janak
and Tansen's Guru
Transformation is Sudden
Osho story on Real
Osho : There is a story
which I like very much of two fakirs: The two fakirs, the old guru and the
young disciple, were returning to their hut in Japan for the rainy season.
For eight months of the year they traveled from village to village singing
the praises of the Lord, but in the rainy season they returned to their hut.
When they reached the bank of the lake where the hut stood, they found the
roof fallen to the ground by a violent storm that had struck just the night
before. It was not only a very small hut, but on top of that, half the roof
was on the ground.
There were ominous clouds in the sky and darkness all around. Nothing could
be done for they were far away from any other habitation. The younger
sannyasin couldn’t contain himself. ”Look at this. We kill ourselves singing
His glories and this is how we are rewarded. What use is all that prayer and
worship? What do we get in return? Rich sinners are lying blissfully in
their mansions while the gale has carried away the roof of two poor fakirs.
The storm is also His.” Having given vent to all his rage, he turned to the
guru and what did he see?
There knelt the guru with folded hands looking up at the sky, his eyes
filled with tears of joy and supreme contentment. He was singing, ”Oh Lord,
Your compassion knows no bounds. The tempest could have blown the whole roof
away and you must have stopped it half-way for us. Only You can be so
thoughtful.” Then they both entered the hut. Though they seem to enter the
same hut, they are different people: one is contented, the other dis-contented.
They both slept. The younger fakir kept tossing and turning, grumbling
and worrying about the rain, constantly complaining and filled with anger.
But the guru slept very soundly. When he got up at 4 a.m. he wrote a song.
He could see the moon above through the half-open roof. He said in his song,
”Oh Lord, had we known before, we would not have troubled Your tempest to
rip off half the roof. We would have done it ourselves. We have been so
foolish, but now we can see the wonderful work of the storm; we can watch
the moon over the hut! How close is Your sky, and we shut it off with a
roof! Your moon came and went so many times and we remained behind a
We did not know, please forgive us! Had we known we wouldn’t have put the
storm to so much trouble.”
A man who can sing like this under the most
direct circumstances is truly a contented person. But he who becomes
contented out of helplessness follows the path of impotent and vigorless
people; if only they could find contentment before having to lose everything
then they wouldn’t have to lose anything; for you cannot steal anything from
a contented man. You may take away his belongings but not his contentment.
His inner equilibrium cannot be disturbed. His true possessions are all
Source: "The True Name, Vol
2 " - Osho
