Prodigal Son
Life is
a dream
Its Already Here
Svetaketu story
Ask Desirelessness
Story of Every Man
Shaikh Farid
You are Enlightened
Ashtavakra & King Janak
and Tansen's Guru
Transformation is Sudden
The Prodigal Son
Osho : A story that Jesus told time and again is well worth
understanding. A rich man had two sons. One boy turned into a vagabond. When
he came of age he demanded his half share, which he took and left for the
city, for the village offered no means of spending his money: there were no
gambling houses, no taverns, no prostitutes.
He lost every penny he had in
these pursuits and become a roadside beggar. The father was keeping track of
him. When he heard of his son’s destitution, he was very unhappy. He knew
that it was useless to try to bring him back by force, for that might take
him farther away.
He could only wait, hoping that when his son began to see things in their
right perspective he would return on his own. The elder son remained at
home. He worked hard and had doubled the remaining inheritance. He
plowed the fields and tended the vineyards, working from morning to night.
Then one day it occurred to the beggar son: ”I shall die this way. I still
have a home. My father is alive and I can count on his love. He gave me an
opportunity to learn for myself what is right and what is wrong, so I am
sure his compassion will not fail me now and he will take me back to his
heart. I have full confidence in him.”
One day he sent word to his father that he was coming home. The father
arranged a grand reception. He had lambs butchered and the best of
everything prepared, for his son was coming home. He decorated the whole
village with flowers and invited everybody in the village. The elder brother
was in the fields. Someone went to him and said, ”It is so injust! You have
served your father faithfully your whole life and have doubled and trebled
his assets.
You have never gone against his wishes, yet he never arranged such a grand
reception in your honor. Now your brother who squandered his inheritance on
wine, women and song is returning, and look at what your father
is doing for him. It is rank injustice.” The elder brother also felt it was
unfair. He returned home saddened and downhearted. He saw the lamps and the
flowers set out in his brother’s honor and could bear it no longer. He went
to his father and said, ”I have served you and obeyed you my whole life, but
you have never prepared a
feast in my honor.
Today this prodigal son of yours returns home and look how much you have
done to receive him. I can’t believe my eyes.” The father replied, ”Son, you
have always been near me. You never went astray, so there was no
need to welcome you. You are always with me and welcome every moment. You
are so close to my heart, but this boy who went astray, who wandered and
ruined himself, and for whom I spent so many anxious, sleepless nights, he
is returning and needs to be welcomed. You gave me no cause for worry;
instead I have always been happy and pleased with you, so there is no need
to express excessive happiness in your case.”
When the prodigal returns a magnificent reception is called for. Jesus would
say: Good people, holy men and saints, are like the elder brother; those who
have gone stray, sinned, committed crimes, are like the younger brother.
Jesus made this a wonderful beginning for his spiritual teachings and
because of this, the Jews turned against him. For the Jews believe that he
who sins is punished by God; whereas Jesus has said He will welcome him when
he returns for He loves him. Do as much wrong as you please, you cannot
remove yourself from His heart. You may show your back to Himbut He will
wait. He is the Father of all.
We have a very deep connection with existence, and existence feels pleased –
so the Hindus have known from time immemorial. That is why it is said that
when a person attains buddhahood flowers bloom out of season. Flowers open
when Buddha passes by, whatever the season, for existence is filled with
bliss at that moment.
Source: "The True Name, Vol 2 " - Osho