Prodigal Son
Life is
a dream
Its Already Here
Svetaketu story
Ask Desirelessness
Story of Every Man
Shaikh Farid
You are Enlightened
Ashtavakra & King Janak
and Tansen's Guru
Transformation is Sudden
Osho on Swami Ramteerth : Its Already Here
Osho : Swami Ramteerth has told a small story: a lover went away to a far land. He
did not return. His beloved kept watching the road she became tired, waiting
and waiting. He wrote letters, saying again and again, I am coming now, I am
coming soon, this month, next month. Years began to pass and finally the
beloved got upset. There is a limit to waiting. She travelled to the distant
city where her beloved was. She inquired the way and arrived at his house.
The door was open. It was evening, the sun had set.
She stopped at the door looking inside. For many days she had not seen her
lover. He was sitting before her, but he was absorbed in deep concentration,
he was writing something. He was so absorbed that the beloved felt to wait a
little, not to interfere with him, who knows what threads of thought might
be lost. He was so overwhelmed with emotion that tears were flowing from his
eyes. He was writing something and kept right on writing. An hour passed,
two hours passed.
Then he lifted his eyes and saw: he couldn’t believe it, he was shocked. He
had been writing a letter to his beloved. He was writing a letter to this
one who had sat two hours in front of him. And she was waiting for him to
lift his eyes. He couldn’t believe it, he thought, ”It must be
hallucination, it is an illusion, perhaps a sort of auto-hypnosis. I had
such abundance of feeling for the beloved, perhaps that is why she is
appearing like a dream. Is it not an illusion?” He rubbed his eyes.
His beloved began to laugh. She said, ”What are you thinking? Do you think I
am a mirage?” He started trembling. He said, ”But how did you come? I was
writing a letter to you. Mad one – why didn’t you stop me? You were in front
of me while I was writing you a letter.”
Existence is here in front of us and we are praying to become one with it –
Oh lord where art thou? Tears are pouring from our eyes but because of our
wall of tears we don’t see what is in front of us. We are searching for it.
We miss only because of our search.
Source: The Mahageeta, Volume 1 “ - Osho

Swami Ramteerth