God is the guest
Art of Meditation
Don’t Control Mind
Osho on Mind's trap
Mount Sumeru & King
The Musical Instrument
- Drop the False
Grace of Buddha
React from awareness
Buddha on Awareness
Nobody is fully aware
Buddha Mahaparinirvana
Transformation of Angulimal
Waiting Key
Buddha Middle
Martial Arts as Meditation
Buddhist Monk & Amrapali
Buddha meditation to Ananda
Woodcutter & mine of dreams
- Chuang Tzu said: The sun and the moon and all the beings on earth and
heaven are ready to receive me. And all beings, the whole existence, will be
the mourners. So you need not worry, you need not engage mourners.
You can engage mourners -- now they are available on the market. There are
people who you pay, and they mourn. What type of humanity is coming into
being? If a wife dies, a mother dies, nobody is there to mourn, so you have
to engage professional mourners. They are available in Bombay, Calcutta; in
big cities they are available, and they do such a good job you cannot
compete with them. Of course they are more efficient, they get daily
practice, but what ugliness it is when you have to pay for it. The whole
thing has become false.
Life is false, death is false, happiness is false. Even mourning is false.
And this has to be; it has a logical meaning to it. If you have never been
really happy with a person, how can you be really mournful when he dies? It
is impossible. If you have not been happy with your wife, if you have never
known any blissful moments with her, when she dies how can authentic tears
come to your eyes? Deep down you will be happy, deep down you feel a
freedom: Now I am independent, now I can move according to my desire. The
wife was like an imprisonment.
I have heard that a man was dying and his wife was consoling him, saying,
"Don't worry, sooner or later I will join you."
The man said, "But don't be unfaithful to me." He must have been afraid. Why
this fear at the last moment? This fear must have always been there.
The wife promised, "I will NEVER be unfaithful to you."
So the man said, "If you commit even a single act of unfaithfulness towards
me I will turn in my grave. It will be very painful for me."
Ten years later the wife died. At the gate of heaven, Saint Peter asked her,
"Who would you like to see first?"
She said, "My husband, of course."
Saint Peter asked, "What is his name?"
So she said, "Abraham."
But Saint Peter replied, "It is going to be difficult to find him because we
have millions of Abrahams, so give me a clue about him."
The wife thought and said, "With his dying breath he said that if I
committed any act of unfaithfulness towards him he would turn in his grave."
Saint Peter said, "Say no more. You must mean twirling Abraham, the one who
is constantly twirling in his grave! For ten years he has not had a single
moment of rest. And everybody knows about him. There is no problem, we will
call him immediately."

No faith, no trust, no love, no happiness, has ever happened out of your
relationships. When death comes, how can you mourn? Your mourning will be
false. If your life is false, your death is going to be false. And don't
think that you are the only false one -- all around, those who are related
to you are false. And we live in such a false world, it is simply amazing
how we can continue.
A politician was out of work. He was an ex-minister. He was looking for a
job, because politicians are always in difficulty when they are not in
office. They cannot do anything other than politics, they don't know
anything else but politics. And they don't have any qualifications either.
Even a puny job requires certain qualifications -- but for a minister none
are needed. A chief minister or a prime minister does not need any
qualifications at all.
So this minister was in trouble. He met the manager of a circus, because he
thought that as politics is a great circus, he must have learned a little
something which he could use in the circus. So he said, "Can you find me a
job? I am out of work, and in much trouble."
The manager said, "You have come at the right time. One of the bears has
died, so we will give you a bear's costume. You don't have to do anything,
just sit doing nothing all day and nobody will know the difference. Just sit
from morning to evening so the people will know that the bear is there."
The job looked good, so the politician accepted. He entered the cage, put on
his costume, and sat down. He was sitting there, when just fifteen minutes
later another bear was shoved in. He panicked and ran to the bars, started
shaking them and cried out, "Help, let me out of here!"
Then he heard a voice. The other bear was speaking. He said, "Do you think
you are the only politician out of work? I am an ex-minister too. Don't be
so afraid."
The whole of life has become false, root and all, and how you exist in it is
a sheer miracle. Talking with a false face, talking to a false face,
happiness false, misery false. And then you hope to find the truth! With
false faces the truth can never be found. One has to realize his own true
face and drop all the false masks.
Source - Osho
Book "The Empty Boat" |