God is the guest
Art of Meditation
Don’t Control Mind
Osho on Mind's trap
Mount Sumeru & King
The Musical Instrument
- Drop the False
Grace of Buddha
React from awareness
Buddha on Awareness
Nobody is fully aware
Buddha Mahaparinirvana
Transformation of Angulimal
Waiting Key
Buddha Middle
Martial Arts as Meditation
Buddhist Monk & Amrapali
Buddha meditation to Ananda
Woodcutter & mine of dreams
Martial Arts as Meditation
In Zen tradition every thing has been used to teach meditation. There is
some activity which comes naturally to us like painting, dancing, singing,
fighting, cooking etc. through any activity of life one can learn the knack
to meditate and once we learns the knack to meditate in one activity of life
then it’s easier to make meditation part of life.
But we need to have perseverance and patience for it. How much time it will
take to learn meditation, no one can tell it.
One day one martial art student went to a master and asked him earnestly “I
want to learn martial art system”. How much time it will take me to master
it? Master looked at the boy and said “ten years”. But the boy did not
wanted to wait for so long. So impatiently he answered “I want to master the
martial art faster than that. I will work very hard. Tell me if I work
harder then how much time it will take me to master martial arts”. Master
again looked at the boy and replied “twenty five years”.
Meditation has nothing do with time. Meditation means coming out from the
grip of mind. With mind time exists, ambition exists. In meditation only
bliss exists. Meditation is death of mind.
Note - This is not an Osho Story
