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Osho Meditation Stories

  1. God is the guest
  2. Art of Meditation
  3. Don’t Control Mind
  4. Osho on Mind's trap
  5. Mount Sumeru & King
  6. The Musical Instrument
  7. Drop the False
  8. Grace of Buddha
  9. React from awareness
  10. Buddha on Awareness
  11. Nobody is fully aware
  12. Buddha Mahaparinirvana
  13. Transformation of Angulimal
  14. Waiting Key
  15. Buddha Middle Path
  16. Martial Arts as Meditation
  17. Buddhist Monk & Amrapali
  18. Buddha meditation to Ananda
  19. Woodcutter & mine of dreams



Gautam Buddha Teachings on Middle Path

Gautam Buddha was so graceful and attractive that many princes left their royal palaces and followed Buddha on the path of dharma.

Shrona was one such Prince.  Shrona had lived the life of woman, wine and comforts till now. One day Buddha entered in his life and Prince Shrona became a Shrona the 'Monk'. But Shrona was not a Ordinary Monk. He was doing all sort of austerities on his Body.

Other monks used to take rest under the shadows of tree but Shrona used to stay under Blazing Sun, walking barefoot, eating very meagerly. soon Shrona was a mere skeleton.

At last seeing Shrona condition Buddha went to Shrona and asked him. "You were a very good Veena Player. If the chords of Veena are too loose or too Tight then can we play the good music."

Shrona Said No, its not possible. Buddha said "In life also we need to follow the path of Middle. Earlier you were into too much comfort, now you are into too much denial. Both paths are wrong". Shrona understood Buddha message and his life was transformed.

Mind clings to extremes. it moves from one extreme to another. Path of middle is advocated by Gautam Buddha. Body has Needs and Mind has desires.

Body needs are Food, sleep. Mind desires are Greed, Lust, fame. Body needs can be fulfilled and should be fulfilled. Mind Needs can never be Fulfilled and always leads to wastage of energy.

Note - This story is not in Osho's words