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Master Disciple Stories

  1. Swami Rama
  2. Vivekananda fast & Ramakrishna
  3. Swami Vivekananda & Pavhari Baba
  4. Bulle Shah & His Master
  5. Maulingaputta & Gautam Buddha
  6. Ouspensky with Gurdjieff
  7. Swami Vivekananda & Ramakrishna


Swami Vivekananda's fasting to test Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna had left the Mortal Body and Swami Vivekananda was guiding his Brothers Monks in Meditation/Sadhana.

Swami Vivekananda and other Young Monks were living an austere life in Baranagpore Monastery. Financially time was not good. Often Monks have to starve for lack of food.

One day they were discussing “we have renounced everything in the name of Sri Ramakrishna. Let us see if Master would supply us with food, if we leave everything on him”.

That day none of the monk went for begging food/Alms which is the usual practice for Monks. The whole day they all were inside the monastery, doing meditation and other works. But they did not inform any one about their decision, so by the end of day they all were hungry.

Late in night, Some one knocked at their door. Swami Vivekananda asked one of his brother monk to open the door and see “who is there and first of all notice if he has anything in his hand”.

To every one's Surprise a Monk had brought Delicious food from the near by Gopala Temple. The Monks first offered the food to Sri Ramakrishna and then eat the food as Prasada. It was not a Miracle but Master's Grace. 

Related Links:
Osho Story of Swami Vivekananda Transformation
Story of Swami Vivekananda interaction with Pavhari Baba

Swami Vivekananda Poems
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