Swami Rama
Vivekananda fast & Ramakrishna
Swami Vivekananda & Pavhari Baba
Bulle Shah & His
Maulingaputta & Gautam Buddha
Ouspensky with Gurdjieff
Swami Vivekananda
& Ramakrishna
Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna
Naren (Swami
Vivekananda) was searching for some one who could show him God. Naren went
to many Meditators and Yogi’s like Devandra Nath Tagore but no one could
satisfy his sharp intellect and rational mind.
On the other part of same city Sri Ramakrishna was waiting eagerly for
young Boys who were supposed to join him in the divine play. Some times in
deep anguish Sri Ramakrishna used to climb the roof of building and cry
“come Oh, My boys come”
One day one college professor discussed about Sri Ramakrishna in front of
young Naren and Naren went to see Sri Ramakrishna in Dakshineswar.
Naren was careless about his clothes and appearance but his eyes which
were partly withdrawn was telling the treasure which he was carrying
inside his heart.
Sri Ramakrishna recognized Naren instantly. Naren sang a few songs there
and as usual he poured his soul into those songs.
First two paragraph of Naren first songs were:
Let us go back once more,
O mind, to our proper home!
Here in this foreign land of earth Why should we wander aimlessly in
stranger's guise?
These living beings round about,
And the five elements,
Are strangers to you, all of them; none are your own.
Why do you so forget yourself,
In love with strangers, foolish mind?
Why do you so forget your own?
After the singing was over Sri Ramakrishna suddenly took hold of Naren
hand and took him aside. To the amazement of Naren, Sri Ramakrishna with
tear in his eyes started talking to him “Oh you have come now, how unkind
of you to keep me waiting for so long” and then suddenly with folded hands
Sri Ramakrishna said “I know you are ancient sage Nara who have taken
birth to remove the miseries of human world.”
Naren's rational mind could not accept this child like behavior of Sri
When they returned back to main room, Sri Ramakrishna fed Naren with his
own hands. This further disappointed Naren.
Then Naren asked Sri Ramakrishna “have you seen God” and Sri Ramakrishna
replied shocked Naren “yes, I have seen God and I talk to God as I am
talking to you”
Some how Sri Ramakrishna managed to extract promise from Naren to visit
again and in their next visit Naren was led to deep ecstatic experience by
Sri Ramakrishna.
After the experience Naren's rational mind thought that Sri Ramakrishna
had hypnotized him.
So on his third Visit Naren was very careful but this time again Sri
Ramakrishna put Naren into deep trance with his Touch. This time Sri
Ramakrishna asked many questions from Naren in trance to know about his
And Sri Ramakrishna later said that Naren had attained perfection in last
birth itself.
After this visit Naren submitted himself to his Guru feet for ever.
