Ramana Maharshi
- Take no notice of the ego and its
activities, but see only the light behind.
- If the mind subsides, the whole world
subsides. Mind is the cause of all this. If that subsides, the
natural state presents itself.
The Self proclaims itself at all times as `I, I'. It is self-
luminous. It is here. All this is that. We are in that only.
- Mukti (Liberation) is synonymous with the
- A child and a Jnani (Self-Realized Soul)
are similar in a way. Incidents interest a child only so long as
they last. It ceases to think of them after they have passed away.
So then, it is apparent that they do not leave any impression on the
child and it is not affected by them mentally. So it is with a jnani.
- The Jnani's (Self-Realized Souls) mind is
known only to the jnani. One must be a jnani oneself in order to
understand another jnani. However the peace of mind which permeates
the saint's atmosphere is the only means by which the seeker
understands the greatness of the saint. His words or actions or
appearance are no indication of his greatness, for they are
ordinarily beyond the comprehension of common people.
- A doubt arises and is cleared. Another
arises and that is cleared, making way for yet another; and so it
goes on. So there is no possibility of clearing away all doubts. See
to whom the doubts arise. Go to their source and abide in it. Then
they cease to arise. That is how doubts are to be cleared.
- To enquire `Who am I ?' really means
trying to find out the source of the ego or the `I'-thought. You are
not to think of other thoughts, such as `I am not this body'.
Seeking the source of `I' serves as a means of getting rid of all
other thoughts. We should not give scope to other thoughts, such as
you mention, but must keep the attention fixed on finding out the
source of the `I' - thought by asking, as each thought arises, to
whom the thought arises. If the answer is `I get the thought'
continue the enquiry by asking `Who is this "I" and what is its
- The Guru (Master) is absolutely necessary.
The Upanishads say that none but a Guru can take a man out of the
jungle of intellect and sense-perceptions. So there must be a Guru.
- You identify yourself with the body you
think that the Guru is also a body. You are not the body, nor is the
Guru. You are the Self and so is the Guru. This knowledge is gained
by what you call Self-realization.
- All these events happen according to
destiny. All the activities that the body is to go through are
determined when it first comes into existence. It does not rest with
you to accept or reject them. The only freedom you have is to turn
your mind inward and renounce activities there.
- Solitude is in the mind of man. One might
be in the thick of the world and maintain serenity of mind. Such a
one is in solitude. Another may stay in a forest, but still be
unable to control his mind. Such a man cannot be said to be in
solitude. Solitude is a function of the mind. A man attached to
desires cannot get solitude wherever he may be, whereas a detached
man is always in solitude.
- Look within. See the Self ! Then there
will be an end of the world and its miseries.
Ramana Maharshi
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