Ramana Maharshi Quotes
- You are awareness. Awareness is another
name for you.
Since you are awareness there is no need to attain or cultivate it.
All that you have to do is to give up being aware of other things,
that is of the not-Self. If one gives up being aware of them then
pure awareness alone remains, and that is the Self.
- Sages say that the state in which the
thought `I' [the ego] does not rise even in the least, alone is Self
[swarupa] which is silence [mouna]. That silent Self alone is God;
Self alone is the jiva [individual soul]. Self alone is this ancient
- All other knowledge are only petty and
trivial knowledge; the experience of silence alone is the real and
perfect knowledge.
- A man should surrender the personal
selfishness which binds him to this world. Giving up the false self
is the true renunciation.
- What is the ego? Enquire. The body is
insentient and cannot say `I'. The Self is pure consciousness and
non-dual. It cannot say `I'. No one says `I' in sleep. What is the
ego then? It is something intermediate between the inert body and
the Self. It has no locus standi. If sought for it vanishes like a
- If you keep on making the
enquiry till you fall asleep, the enquiry will go on during
sleep also. Take up the enquiry again as soon as you wake up.
- The Self alone is real. All others are
unreal. The mind and intellect do not remain apart from you. The
Bible says, `Be still and know that I am God.' Stillness is the sole
requisite for the realization of the Self as God.
- If one surrenders oneself there will be no
one to ask questions or to be thought of. Either the thoughts are
eliminated by holding on to the root-thought `I', or one surrenders
oneself unconditionally to the higher power. These are the only two
ways for realization.
- If the longing is there, realization will
be forced on you even if you do not want it. Long for it intensely
so that the mind melts in devotion. After camphor burns away no
residue is left. The mind is the camphor. When it has resolved
itself into the Self without leaving even the slightest trace
behind, it is realization of the Self.
- Greedily begging for worthless occult
powers [siddhis] from God, who will readily give himself, who is
everything, is like begging for worthless stale gruel from a gene
rous-natured philanthropist who will readily give everything.
- If one scrutinises one's own Self, which
is bliss, there will be no misery at all in one's life. One suffers
because of the idea that the body, which is never oneself, is `I';
suffering is all due to this delusion.
Ramana Maharshi
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