Ramana Maharshi Quotes
- The Self is pure consciousness.
- Seeing is only being. The state of
Self-realization, as we call it, is not attaining something new or
reaching some goal which is far away, but simply being that which
you always are and which you always have been. All that is needed is
that you give up your realization of the not-true as true. All of us
are regarding as real that which is not real. We have only to give
up this practice on our part. Then we shall realize the Self as the
Self; in other words, `Be the Self'.
- The ego's phenomenal existence is
transcended when you dive into the source from where the `I'-thought
- Reality is simply the loss of ego. Destroy
the ego by seeking its identity. Because the ego is no entity it
will automatically vanish and reality will shine forth by itself.
This is the direct method, whereas all other methods are done only
by retaining the ego. In those paths there arise so many doubts and
the eternal question `Who
am I ?' remains to be tackled finally. But in this method the
final question is the only one and it is raised from the beginning.
- The mind will subside only by means of the
enquiry `Who am I?' The thought 'Who am I?', destroying all
other thoughts, will itself finally be destroyed like the stick used
for stirring the funeral pyre. If other thoughts rise one should,
without attempting to complete them, enquire `To whom did they
rise?' What does it matter however many thoughts rise? At the very
moment that each thought rises, if one vigilantly enquires `To whom
did this rise?', it will be known `To me'. If one then enquires `Who
am I?', the mind will turn back to its source [the Self] and the
thought which had risen will also subside. By repeatedly practising
thus, the power of the mind to abide in its source increases.
- Complete surrender does require that you
have no desire of your own. You must be satisfied with whatever God
gives you and that means having no desires of your own.
- Complete surrender to God means giving up
all thoughts and concentrating the mind on him. If we can
concentrate on him, other thoughts disappear. If the actions of the
mind, speech and body are merged with God, all the burdens of our
life will be on him.
- The quality of food influences the mind.
The mind feeds on the food consumed.
- The highest siddhi is realization of the
Self, for once you realize the truth you cease to be drawn to the
path of ignorance.
- Regulation of life, such as getting up at
a fixed hour, bathing, doing mantra, japa, observing ritual, all
this is for people who do not feel drawn to self-enquiry or are not
capable of it. But for those who can practise this method all rules
and discipline are unnecessary.
- `Why and to whom did this suffering come?'
If you question thus you will find that the `I' is separate from the
mind and body, that the Self is the only eternal being, and that it
is eternal bliss. That is jnana.
Ramana Maharshi
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