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Ramana Maharshi Quotes

Ramana Maharshi Quotes

  1. One must realize the Self in order to open the store of unalloyed happiness.
  2. Remove the Ego and Avidya (Ignorance) is gone. Look for it, the ego vanishes and the real Self alone remains.
  3. Mukti or liberation is our nature. It is another name for us. Our wanting mukti is a very funny thing. It is like a man who is in the shade, voluntarily leaving the shade, going into the sun, feeling the severity of the heat there, making great efforts to get back into the shade and then rejoicing, `How sweet is the shade! I have reached the shade at last!' We are all doing exactly the same.
  4. The idea of time is only in your mind. It is not in the Self. There is no time for the Self. Time arises as an idea after the ego arises. But you are the Self beyond time and space. You exist even in the absence of time and space.
  5. The `I` in its purity is experienced in intervals between the two states or two thoughts.
  6. Attention to one's own Self, which is ever shining as `I', the one undivided and pure reality, is the only raft with which the individual, who is deluded by thinking `I am the body', can cross the ocean of unending births.
  7. Setting apart time for meditation is only for the merest spiritual novices. A man who is advancing will begin to enjoy the deeper beatitude whether he is at work or not. While his hands are in society, he keeps his head cool in solitude.
  8. The perception of `I' is associated with a form, maybe the body. There should be nothing associated with the pure Self. The Self is the unassociated, pure reality, in whose light the body and the ego shine. On stilling all thoughts the pure consciousness remains.
  9. After the rise of the `I'-thought there is the false identification of the `I' (Self) with the body, the senses, the mind, etc. `I' is wrongly associated with them and the true `I' is lost sight of.
  10. If you give up `I' and `mine' instead, all are given up at a stroke. The very seed of possession is lost. Thus the evil is nipped in the bud or crushed in the germ itself. Dispassion [vairagya] must be very strong to do this. Eagerness to do it must be equal to that of a man kept under water trying to rise up to the surface for his life.
  11. When the wrong identification of oneself with the body ceases, the master will be found to be none other than the Self.
  12. Creation is neither good nor bad; it is as it is. It is the human mind which puts all sorts of constructions on it, seeing things from its own angle and interpreting them to suit its own interests.

Ramana Maharshi Quotes - Quotes1 | Quotes3 | Quotes4 | Quotes5 | Quotes6 | Quotes7 | Quotes8 | Quotes9 | Quotes10 | Quotes11