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Sri Ramakrishna Parables

  1. Parable of salt doll
  2. Parable of the calf
  3. Guru and Disciple
  4. Men Seeking Light
  5. Parable of the farmer
  6. Parable of Homa Bird
  7. Parable of Man Seeking
  8. Parable of the Chameleon
  9. Parable of Elephant God
  10. Parable of Ant & Sugar Hill
  11. How to deal with the Wicked
  12. Ocean and the ice
  13. Parable of the tigress
  14. Parable of three Robbers
  15. Parable of the two friends
  16. Parable of the two farmers
  17. Parable of the false ascetic
  18. Parable of fish and the net
  19. Importance of Scriptures
  20. Parable of Grass Eating tiger
  21. Elephant and the blind Men
  22. Parable of the weaver Woman

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Reassurance to the devotees & Parable of the tigress

Sri Ramakrishna spoke reassuringly to the devotees.
Sri Ramakrishna (to M.): "Some think: 'Oh, I am a bound soul. I shall never acquire knowledge and devotion.' But if one receives the guru's grace, one has nothing to fear. Once a tigress attacked a flock of goats. As she sprang on her prey, she gave birth to a cub and died. The cub grew up in the company of the goats.

The goats ate grass and the cub followed their example. They bleated; the cub bleated too. Gradually it grew to be a big tiger. One day another tiger attacked the same flock. It was amazed to see the grass-eating tiger. Running after it, the wild tiger at last seized it, whereupon the grass-eating tiger began to bleat.

The wild tiger dragged it to the water and said: 'Look at your face in the water. It is just like mine. Here is a little meat. Eat it.' Saying this, it thrust some meat into its mouth. But the grass-eating tiger would not swallow it and began to bleat again. Gradually, however, it got the taste for blood and came to relish the meat.

Then the wild tiger said: 'Now you see there is no difference between you and me. Come along and follow me into the forest.' "So there can be no fear if the guru's grace descends on one. He will let you know who you are and what your real nature is.

"If the devotee practises spiritual discipline a little, the guru explains everything to him. Then the disciple understands for himself what is real and what is unreal. God alone is real, and the world is illusory.

Source: from book "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna"