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Sri Ramakrishna Parables

  1. Parable of salt doll
  2. Parable of the calf
  3. Guru and Disciple
  4. Men Seeking Light
  5. Parable of the farmer
  6. Parable of Homa Bird
  7. Parable of Man Seeking
  8. Parable of the Chameleon
  9. Parable of Elephant God
  10. Parable of Ant & Sugar Hill
  11. How to deal with the Wicked
  12. Ocean and the ice
  13. Parable of the tigress
  14. Parable of three Robbers
  15. Parable of the two friends
  16. Parable of the two farmers
  17. Parable of the false ascetic
  18. Parable of fish and the net
  19. Importance of Scriptures
  20. Parable of Grass Eating tiger
  21. Elephant and the blind Men
  22. Parable of the weaver Woman

Related Discourses

  1. Sri Ramakrishna Quotes
  2. Osho on Sri Ramakrishna
  3. Sri Ramakrishna Teachings

Egotism brings calamity

Sri Ramakrishna:"No. But from what you say it seems to me that she has a desire for name and fame. That kind of egotism is not good. The feeling 'I am the doer' is the outcome of ignorance. But the feeling that God does everything is due to knowledge. God alone is the Doer; all others are mere instruments in His hands.

Parable of the calf

Sri Ramakrishna: "The misfortune that befalls a man on account of his egotism can be realized if you only think of the condition of the calf. The calf says, 'Hamma! Hamma!' that is, 'I! I!' And just look at its misfortune! At times it is yoked to the plough and made to work in the field from sunup to sundown, rain or shine.

Again, it may be slaughtered by the butcher. In that case the flesh is eaten and the skin tanned into hide. From the hide shoes are made. People put on these shoes and walk on the rough ground. Still that is not the end of its misfortunes. Drums are made from its skin and mercilessly beaten with sticks.

At last its entrails are made into strings for the bow used in carding cotton. When used by the carder the string gives the sound 'Tuhu! Tuhu!', 'Thou! Thou!'—that is, 'It is Thou, O Lord! It is Thou!' It no longer says, 'Hamma! Hamma!', 'I! I!' Only then does the calf's trouble come to an end, and it is liberated. It doesn't return to the world of action.

"Likewise, when the embodied soul says: 'O God, I am not the doer; Thou art the Doer. I am the machine and Thou art its Operator', only then does its suffering of worldly life come to an end; only then does it obtain liberation. It no longer has to be reborn in this world of action."

A Devotee: "How can a man get rid of his ego?"
Sri Ramakrishna: "You cannot get rid of it until you have realized God. If you find a person free from ego, then know for certain that he has seen God."

Source: from book "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna"