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Sri Ramakrishna Parables

  1. Parable of salt doll
  2. Parable of the calf
  3. Guru and Disciple
  4. Men Seeking Light
  5. Parable of the farmer
  6. Parable of Homa Bird
  7. Parable of Man Seeking
  8. Parable of the Chameleon
  9. Parable of Elephant God
  10. Parable of Ant & Sugar Hill
  11. How to deal with the Wicked
  12. Ocean and the ice
  13. Parable of the tigress
  14. Parable of three Robbers
  15. Parable of the two friends
  16. Parable of the two farmers
  17. Parable of the false ascetic
  18. Parable of fish and the net
  19. Importance of Scriptures
  20. Parable of Grass Eating tiger
  21. Elephant and the blind Men
  22. Parable of the weaver Woman

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  1. Sri Ramakrishna Quotes
  2. Osho on Sri Ramakrishna
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Sri Ramakrishna Parable of a Guru and his Disciple

Sri Ramakrishna : "Through restlessness — the restlessness a child feels for his mother. The child feels bewildered when he is separated from his mother, and weeps longingly for her. If a man can weep like that for God he can even see Him.

"At the approach of dawn the eastern horizon becomes red. Then one knows it will soon be sunrise. Likewise, if you see a person restless for God, you can be pretty certain that he hasn't long to wait for His vision.

"A disciple asked his teacher, 'Sir, please tell me how I can see God.' Come with me,' said the guru, 'and I shall show you.' He took the disciple to a lake, and both of them got into the water. Suddenly the teacher pressed the disciple's head under the water.

After a few moments he released him and the disciple raised his head and stood up. The guru asked him, 'How did you feel?' The disciple said, 'Oh! I thought I should die; I was panting for breath.' The teacher said, 'When you feel like that for God, then you will know you haven't long to wait for His vision

Source: from book "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna"