Osho on Buddhist Technique of Anapansati
Question : How does the Buddhist Technique of
Anapansati - Constantly watching one's Breath - affect the state of
Oxygen in our Bodies?
- Anapansati has great effect on our body oxygen. This is a good
question which needs to be rightly understood. Every activity of life,
every function of our body is accelerated when you pay attention to it.
Most of the bodily functions are autonomic; you don't have to pay
attention to them, but when you pay attention they are affected.
For instance, when a doctor puts his finger on your pulse, your pulse
beat does not remain the same, it immediately quickens a little; it is
more than what it was before. It is so because it has received
attention, the attention of two persons--the doctor's and yours. And it
will quicken a lot if the doctor happens to belong to the opposite sex,
because now it will receive more attention. You can try it like this:
check your own pulse first, and then watch for ten minutes how it beats
and then check it again. You will find that your pulse beat has changed,
it has quickened. Attention works as a catalytic agent to heighten your
pulse beat, or for that matter any function of the body.
The technique of anapansati is tremendously valuable. It is a way of
watching your own breathing. You don't have to do a thing about it; you
don't have to interfere with your breathing or to breathe in any
particular manner. You have only to watch it as it is. But it is also
true that as soon as you begin to observe it, your breathing becomes a
little faster. It is inevitable. With your observation, the manner of
your breathing will change, and it will be faster than before. And this
change and the observation itself will show results.
But the main objective of anapansati is not to bring about any changes
in your breathing pattern; the main objective is just observing your
breath as it is. Because when you observe your breathing, and observe
it constantly, by and by you begin to separate yourself from it; there
occurs a gap between you and your breath. Because when someone observes
something, immediately the observer becomes separate from the observed.
In fact, the observer cannot be one with the observed. The moment you
turn something into the observed, you separate yourself from your object
of observation--you become different from it. Since you have made your
breath the observed, and you have been watching how it works, you become
distant from it in the very process of observation. And then one day you
will find that while breathing is going on you are at a considerable
distance from it.
Anapansati yoga brings about your separation from the body; you really
experience it.
You can try anapansati in many ways. If you watch the way you walk--if
you just observe how the right foot rises and moves, and then the left
foot rises and moves--if you only watch the movement of your feet, you
will find in two weeks' time that you are quite separate from your feet.
You will clearly see your feet as the observed and you remain the
observer. Your own feet will seem to you to be functioning mechanically.
Such a person can say that walking he does not walk, talking he does not
talk, eating he does not eat, sleeping he does not sleep. And he is
But it is very difficult to understand such a person who has become a
watcher on the hill. If he is a witness to his walking, if he really
does not walk while walking, it is only he who actually sees it so; it
will be difficult for others even to understand it. If he is a witness
to his talking, he will not talk while talking, he will remain a witness
Anapansati is a significant technique; it makes you the witness, the
witnessing soul, but it is different from kundalini.
Source: from Osho Book "In Search of Miraculous, Vol 1"
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