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         Osho Quotes on Vipassana Meditation

  1. Vipassana becomes isolation if you are suppressing something. It is a withdrawal and a fear-oriented thing; basically ill. Vipassana can be very healthy and wholesome if you are not withdrawing but just going in to come back again. It is not a renunciation, a rejection of the world -- it is just a rest into oneself.

  2. I never give vipassana to people in the beginning --  first I give them catharsis; they should pass through a few cathartic groups. When they start feeling that now nothing is coming up, now even if somebody is shouting and they don't feel anger arising, then is the moment to go into vipassana. Now the body is ready to receive it. It is a great gift; first one has to be ready to receive it.

  3. In Vipassana remember it -- many moments will come when you will be thrown so totally into the herenow that you will find who you are for the first time. Vipassana is one of the deepest-going methods

  4. In Vipassana it can happen sometimes that one feels very very sensual, because you are so silent and energy is not dissipated. Ordinarily much energy is dissipated and you are exhausted. When you simply sit, not doing anything, you become a silent pool of energy, and the pool goes on becoming bigger and bigger and bigger. It almost comes to a point where it is overflowing... and then you feel sensuous. You feel a new sensitivity, sensualness, even sexuality... as if all the senses have become fresh, younger, alive... as if the dust has fallen from you and you have taken a bath, and are being cleansed with the shower. That happens.

    That's why people -- particularly buddhist monks who have been doing Vipassana for centuries -- don't eat much. They don't need to. They eat once -- and that too a very meagre meal, very small; you may call it at the most a breakfast... and once a day. They don't sleep much but they are full of energy. And they are not escapists -- they work hard. It is not that they are not working. They will chop wood and work in the garden, in the field, on the farm; they will work the whole day. But something has happened to them, and now the energy is no more being dissipated.

  5. Buddha used to call it vipassana. The word is beautiful, simple, meaningful. It means just watching. pashya means to see and passana means to see very carefully. Vipassana means to see carefully but without thinking. You are just there, sitting silently, doing nothing.

  6. The same is the process of vipassana. You have to watch your breathing - that is the method that Buddha used, a very simple and very scientific method. You just watch the breath going in, you go with it; it is coming out, you come out with it. You don't forget at any time the watching; you don't go astray. If you can manage it for forty-eight minutes, that very day you will become enlightened, in this life! There is no need to wait for another life and there is no need even to wait for one hour. Those twelve extra minutes may be too difficult. Just forty-eight is the exact right time.

    To attain those forty-eight minutes may take years, but it need not be postponed for another life, it can happen in this life. It all depends on your intensity. It all depends how much you are ready, willing, open, receptive, vulnerable.

  7. Vipassana simply means watching your breath -- the art of watching your breath without disturbing it at all. It is a subtly art, because the moment you watch you start disturbing. Slowly slowly the knack is learned. Once you know how to watch the breath without disturbing it you have found the right key.

  8. Vipassana is not a concentration. In concentration, everything is a distraction. When you are trying to concentrate, narrowing your mind, anything can become a distraction, but vipassana is awareness. It is not concentrating on anything exclusively. It is all inclusive. It is just awareness. Awareness knows no distraction. That is the beauty of awareness.

    Osho Quotes on Vipassana Meditation Part 1

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