Question -
Can you please speak on your vision of an intelligent
person? Osho - Gyan Rasiko,
EVERY CHILD is born intelligent, and every grown-up
person behaves like an unintelligent person. This is one
of the strangest things, because intelligence is a
God-given gift and he is not a miser. He gives to
everybody out of his abundance, out of his overflowing
intelligence, bliss, love. Everybody comes so rich and
everybody becomes so poor! What goes wrong?
The society does not want you to be
intelligent. The wants you to be mediocre because it is
easy for the society to enslave the mediocre person. It
is easy for the manipulators, and they' are many -- the
priest, the politician, the pedagogue, the pundit, they
are all manipulators -- it is easy for them to
manipulate you if you don't have intelligence, because
you are bound to depend on them, you have to depend on
them. You have to look up to them always for guidance.
You will need leaders if you are unintelligent. You will
need religious mediators between you and God if you are
unintelligent. And you will always be afraid of powerful
people because they know more. You will be continuously
in fear.

The society functions in such a way: the whole
educational system is created not to serve you but to
serve the vested interests. From the kindergarten to the
university they are serving the vested interests; they
are making you more and more stupid.
It is said that when Henry Thoreau came out of the
university, Emerson gave a great party to celebrate the
occasion. And he told the participants, "I am giving
this party not because Thoreau has attained great
knowledge in the university but because he has been able
to come back from the university and he is still
intelligent. The university has not been able to change
his intelligence. The university has failed, that's why
I am giving this party! I respect this young man for the
simple reason that he has escaped from the whole cunning
strategy that our education is."
Intelligence simply means ability to respond, because
life is a flux. You have to be aware and to see what is
demanded of you, what is the challenge of the situation.
The intelligent person behaves according to the
situation and the stupid behaves according to the
ready-made answers. Whether they come from Buddha,
Christ or Krishna, it does not matter. He always carries
scriptures around himself; he is afraid to depend on
himself. The intelligent person depends on his own
insight; he trusts his own being. He loves and respects
himself. The unintelligent person respects others.
And you can see the point. Why are the vested interests
interested in creating stupidity? -- because that is the
way they will be getting respect. No parents really want
their children to be intelligent, because if the
children are intelligent they are rebellious too, they
are disobedient too. Obedience has been imposed on you
as a great value; it is not a great value. It is one of
the basic causes of the destruction of your
I am not saying be disobedient. I am simply saying when
you feel like being obedient, be obedient; when you feel
like being disobedient, be true to yourself. Your only
responsibility is towards yourself and nobody else.
An intelligent person risks. He will be ready to die
rather than to compromise. Of course, he will not fight,
as the Desiderata says, with unnecessary things, with
non-essentials, but as far as essentials are concerned
he is not going to be obedient. And you have obeyed even
about the essentials. What is your belief in God? You
have simply obeyed. What do you know about God? You have
simply obeyed; you have followed your parents, they
followed their parents. And parents are happy with
unintelligent children because they are obedient they
have to be obedient. They know one thing, that
whatsoever they do is bound to be wrong, so it is better
to listen to the parents' advice.
For thousands of years every society has been telling
children, "Respect your parents," because they are
afraid of children -- they may not respect their
parents. And I am not saying disrespect your parents. I
am simply saying: the first respect has to be towards
yourself. Out of that respect you can respect your
parents, your teachers -- you can respect everybody. But
if you don't respect yourself your respect for anybody
else is going to be pseudo; deep down there will be
hatred. Each child hates... deep down he knows that "The
parents are my enemies." He can see how his intelligence
is being cut.
Just the other day Laxmi was telling me that a few of
our sannyasins had made a small drama, and Veereshwar,
who is a Ph.D., was quoting me -- he was the chief
actor. And Subhuti was there and he reported to Laxmi,
"Of course he was quoting Osho, but when Osho says the
same things they have a totally different flavor, and
when Veereshwar was quoting, the words were the same,
but the context was missing, and he made everything
ugly." Subhuti felt almost sick; he felt like vomiting.
What happened? Veereshwar was just quoting words,
borrowed; of those words he has no experience.
Remember always: never be repetitive. Don't repeat
anybody. Let your experience blossom.
And just the other night Vivek told me that the kids,
the ashram kids, small sannyasins, did the same kind of
drama and it was tremendously beautiful. Little
Siddhartha was acting like Shiva, a samurai, and he did
perfectly well. And they were absolutely
unselfconscious; they were not worried about the
audience. The place was packed, and the kids were
enjoying themselves immensely.
A very proper English girl comes into the ashram --
because the ashram was being enacted -- and Siddhartha
is standing outside like a samurai, and he stops her and
says, "This is darshan time and you cannot go in! And
first you have to leave your mind where the shoes are
left!" And he was not worried about the audience, what
was happening. He was enjoying himself. And the whole
thing was far more intelligent.
And a reporter comes into the drama, a
small kid with a camera, and he wants to take
photographs of the Encounter Group and Leela and Tantra.
And he says, "I am from the Times of India and I am
going to write a beautiful article." And the samurais
throw him out, and they enjoy the whole thing!
This was totally different. This has beauty.
A young mother says that after putting her two children
to bed one night she changed into a floppy blouse and an
old pair of slacks and proceeded to wash her hair. All
during the shampoo she could hear the children growing
wilder and noisier. Finishing as hurriedly as possible
she wrapped a large towel around her head, stormed into
their room and put them back to bed with a stern warning
to stay there.
As she left she heard the two-year-old say to his sister
in a trembling voice, "Who was that?"
This is intelligence!
But the society is not interested in intelligent people.
It is not interested in sannyasins, it is interested in
soldiers. It wants to create soldiers. Soldiers are the
most stupid people; unless you are stupid you cannot be
a good soldier. The greater you are in your stupidity
the better, as far as being a soldier is concerned.
As the last soldier was about to jump from the airplane,
he panicked, grabbed hold of his sergeant and said,
"What happens if my second parachute doesn't open
"Don't worry," said the sergeant with a smile. "Just
come back and I will give you a new one!"
Intelligence can be rediscovered. The only method to
rediscover it is meditation. Meditation only does one
thing: it destroys all the barriers that the society has
created to prevent you from being intelligent. It simply
removes the blocks. Its function is negative: it removes
the rocks that are preventing your waters from flowing,
your springs from becoming alive. Everybody is carrying
the great potential, but society has put great rocks to
prevent it. It has created China Walls around you; it
has imprisoned you.
If you are a Christian you are imprisoned by the
Christian priests. If you are a Hindu you are imprisoned
by Hindu priests. Your prisons are different; maybe
their architecture is different, the rooms are made
differently, with different material. And maybe a few
prisons are more comfortable than others, more
sophisticated than others. Of course the American prison
is better than the Indian prison, far better, more
comfortable: the radio is available, the TV is available
to the prisoner. The Indian prison is bound to be
Indian. Indians are living in such an uncomfortable way,
how can they provide television and radio and comfort to
the prisoners? Impossible. They are there to be
punished; they cannot be allowed to enjoy.
Christianity may be a little better prison than
Mohammedanism, but a prison is a prison. And in fact a
better prison is far more dangerous because you may
start clinging to it, you may not like to get out of it;
you may start loving it as if it is your home. But these
are all prisons.
And sometimes people get fed up with one prison and they
change their prisons. The Hindu becomes the Christian,
the Christian becomes the Hindu. Now there are many
foolish Christians who have become Hare Krishna people
-- the same stupidity but masquerading in a new form.
There are many Hindus who have become Christians, but
the same superstitiousness persists; there is no
difference at all. I have seen those Hindus who have
become Christians -- no change. I have seen those
Christians who have become Hindus -- no change. They
have just changed the prison.
To come out of all prisons is intelligence -- and never
to get into another again. Intelligence can be
discovered through meditation because all those prisons
exist in your mind; they cannot reach your being,
fortunately. They cannot pollute your being, they can
only pollute your mind -- they can only cover your mind.
If you can get out of the mind you will get out of
Christianity, Hinduism. Jainism, Buddhism, and all kinds
of rubbish will be just finished. You can come to a full
And when you are out of the mind, watching it, being
aware of it, just being a witness, you are intelligent.
Your intelligence is discovered. You have undone what
the society has done to you. YOU have destroyed the
mischief; you have destroyed the conspiracy of the
priests and the politicians. YOU have come out of it,
you are a free man. In fact you are for the first time a
real man, an authentic man. Now the whole sky is yours.
Intelligence brings freedom, intelligence brings
A little colored soldier tried to break out of camp and
was stopped by the guard. Our hero challenged the guard
with: "I've got a mother in Heaven, a father in Hell,
and a girl in Harlem, and I'm gonna see one of them
Must have been an intelligent person -- as if the whole
army training has failed! YOU see his response.
Annalisa and Roberta, two Rome hotel chambermaids, were
talking when the bell rang and Annalisa had to go up to
the room of an American tourist. He pushed her down on
the bed, took his will, and in less than five minutes
she was back downstairs.
"What did he want?" asked Roberta.
"I dunno. I think he must-a forgot-a himself!"
People go on living in such an unconscious way. They
become accustomed to things, when they don't see. They
become accustomed to certain rituals; their whole lives
are ritualistic. They go on making empty gestures; they
don't mean anything. A stupid person behaves
mechanically: an intelligent person behaves consciously.
It is only through meditation that it will be possible
for you to get back, to claim back your intelligence.
The society has repressed your greatest treasure; it has
hidden your greatest energy from you. It has deprived
you of your true being; it has perverted you. And it
goes on saying that it is done for your sake. Man has
been exploited, oppressed in every possible way.
The time is ripe now for a great rebellion to destroy
all these walls, all these rocks, to destroy all this
repressed structure, because whenever anything is
repressed... If intelligence is repressed it becomes
stupidity. If sex is repressed then it starts moving
into directions of perversion: it may become
homosexuality, it may take some other forms, it may
become greed.
Greed means now you feel excited only, sexually excited,
with money -- money is your object of love. It may
become politics; then power is your object of love. Then
you are simply living an unnatural life, because power
cannot fulfill your love, neither can money fulfill your
love. But you have completely forgotten what has
happened, why you have become so much interested in
money. Why do people cling to money so deeply? Use the
money, but don't cling to it. Why do people become so
ambitious? And why is there so much sexual perversion in
the world? It is because of repression. Every repression
destroys something in you.
Gino went to an optometrist and asked for a new pair of
"But you just got a new pair last week."
"I know," said Gino, "but I got them-a broken in an
"How?" asked the optometrist.
"I was kissing my girl," said the Italian.
"How the hell could you break your glasses kissing a
"She crossed her legs!"
Fitzgerald went to a bar for five consecutive nights and
watched Manzini sitting over in a corner booth. It was
an incredible sight. Good-looking, wildly-shaped girls,
alone or in groups of two or three, would wander in and
soon make their way to the weird-looking Manzini.
"I don't understand it," grumbled Fitzgerald to the
bartender. "I don't see how the Eye-talian does it."
"Me either," says the barkeep. "I been watching him for
weeks. He certainly ain't handsome, he is a lousy
dresser, and he hardly never says a word. The guy just
sits there, licking his eyebrows!"
Meditation can bring you to your nature. It can help you
to drop all the perversions. It can make you
intelligent, it can make you loving, it can make you
spontaneous, it can make you responsible. It can make
you a benediction to yourself and to existence. Except
meditation there is no other method which can help. This
is the key, the master key.
Let me repeat: intelligence is your nature. All that is
needed is to discover it, because it has been hidden
from you for certain reasons by people who are powerful
and who want to remain in power. Of course they will not
like it.
That's why they are against me. They CANNOT like it -- I
am creating trouble for them. The more people become
meditators, the more people become sannyasins, the less
is the possibility of oppressing them, of exploiting
them. And the orange people are spreading all over the
world. It is an atomic explosion! Within six years
thousands of people around the world have been
transformed to a new vision, to a new lifestyle. They
have been given back their individuality, their
authenticity, their intelligence.
Now nobody can exploit
Hence it is certainly a rare phenomenon that I am
condemned by Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans, Jainas,
Sikhs, Parsis, Jews, everybody -- I am condemned by the
religious, the so-called religious -- AND by the
politicians, by the journalists, by the so-called
intelligentsia, the writers, the critics, because they
are all part of a conspiracy against man.
And I want to destroy that conspiracy totally. Only then
can a new man be introduced on the earth. And the earth
is waiting for the new man. The new man will be the salt
of the earth. He will bring with him joy, dance,
Source - from Osho Book "Guida
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