Question - Osho, Why are the so-called religious people
against you?
they are only so-called religious, hence they are bound
to be against me. The so-called religious people have
always been against the religious people; it is nothing
new. It is the most ancient thing in the world. They
worship a religious person only when he is dead because
then there is no problem. Jesus
alive is a problem. He disturbs you in many ways, in
thousands of ways. In his presence you start feeling
that all that you are is just holy cowdung, nothing
else. It hurts, it hurts the ego. The so-called
religious person starts looking so stupid. He is stupid,
but when he is living with other so-called religious
people he looks like a saint. He is a rabbi, he is a
pundit, he is a priest; he is respected by people. The
moment he comes close to a really religious person,
immediately he is nothing. That negative nothingness is
felt. Now he can see that he is like darkness.
Encountering a Buddha you are encountering a mirror, a
perfect mirror.

I have heard about a woman who was very ugly. She was
very much against mirrors, obviously, so much so that
whenever she came across a mirror she would immediately
destroy it -- even other people's mirrors! People were
afraid to let her come close to their mirrors. She would
immediately hit the mirror with anything available. And
her logic was the same, her argument was the same. She
used to say, "These mirrors make me look ugly. I am not
ugly -- these mirrors are wrong!"
Somesh, the so-called religious people are bound to be
against me. The argument is the same: I am functioning
like a mirror. The moment your mind disappears and you
become a no-mind, you are a mirror. Whosoever comes to
you is bound to see HIS reality. And people live such
unreal lives, such unauthentic lives, that how can they
forgive me? Impossible. They have to be angry.
They would like to destroy me the way they destroyed
Jesus, the way they destroyed Socrates, the way they
destroyed Mansoor. They would like to destroy me too,
because once they have crucified me they will be at ease
again. Again they are beautiful because there is nobody
to reflect them. The mirror is no more there, so they
can believe in whatsoever they want to believe.
They are against me because I am trying to expose them.
I am trying to bring to their notice their real,
original faces. They are hiding behind masks and I am
pulling their masks away. And they are hiding because
they feel their ugliness. They have found a cheap way to
feel beautiful: to wear a mask. That is the meaning of
the word "personality": it comes from PERSONA; PERSONA
means a mask. You can wear a beautiful mask and you can
deceive others. And slowly slowly, when many people are
deceived by you and they start thinking this is your
real face, you become auto-hypnotized; by your OWN
deception you create a self-deception. First you deceive
others, then their eyes reflect your face -- the mask --
then you think, "This is my real face."
When you come to a Master his work is to pull the mask
away, to loosen the hold of the mask on you. And you
have believed in it for so long, and you have
rationalized in every possible way, "This is my real
face, that whosoever is going to show you the real face,
you will be angry with him. It is not accidental that
ALWAYS it has been the same; it seems to be the very law
of existence that people like me are bound to be
crucified in some way or other.
I have to destroy much in you. In fact, that is not your
reality, but unless your unreal is taken away you will
not be able to make any distinction between what is real
and what is unreal. You will not be able to know what is
essential and what is non-essential.
The DESIDERATA IS right: one should know exactly what is
essential. But to know the essential as essential, first
you have to become aware of the non-essential because
that is where you are living: a non-essential life, a
superficial life. You are acting, you are not really
living. You are playing games; you are acting certain
roles. You are not living a true life. Of course you
have many ways to rationalize whatsoever you do; you
have to rationalize it, otherwise you will become aware
of its falseness. You have to give it all your support,
all kinds of arguments.
The Christian will give a thousand and one arguments why
to be Christian is right. Why is he so self-defensive?
Why is the Hindu so self-defensive: "I am right! I am
the only spiritual person in the world. My tradition is
the greatest spiritual tradition. My country is the most
holy country -- even gods desire to be born here"? And
every country thinks in the same way and every religion
in the same way. These are rationalizations, supports,
props for something false. The real needs no support, no
crutches. And my work is to take away your crutches.
It was somewhat disconcerting to the minister's wife to
hear him exclaim, "Oh, Jesus, sweet Jesus! " every time
he reached orgasm, and she finally asked him about it.
"It is perfectly proper, my dear, and in accordance with
the Bible," he assured her. "Don't you remember where it
says, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the
People are ready to bring all kinds of rationalizations
for whatsoever they are doing. You can always find
something in the scriptures to support you. The
so-called religious are to be pitied. I feel sorry for
them because they ARE thinking they are religious; they
are pretending only. Going to the church, going to the
temple has nothing to do with being religious.
Religiousness is sensitivity, it is awareness. How can
you become more sensitive by going to a church and
listening to some stupid priest or minister who knows
nothing, who lives almost as double a life as you live,
in fact even more, who wears thicker masks than you are
wearing? Your masks are thin; sometimes your real faces
even show. Your masks are very thin. But the priest, the
saint, the rabbi, the pope, has to wear a very thick
mask. He has to believe in himself and he has to live a
double kind of life -- one at the front door, one at the
back door. And the front door life is just hypocrisy --
he knows it.
That's why every so-called religious person feels guilty
-- guilty because he knows that he is doing something
wrong, but he cannot stop doing it because that
something wrong is wrong only because others say it is
wrong. He has not experienced its wrongness. He does not
know on his own what is right and what is wrong. He has
no light of his own. He has believed others that this is
wrong, but his own biology says that this is right. NOW
he 1S m a jam, a real jam. If he follows his natural
instinct, guilt arises that "I am doing something
Even a man like St. Augustine says, "My Lord, help me,
because I go on doing that which should not be done and
I never do that which should be done." Now, this simple
statement is of tremendous significance. At least
Augustine is sincere and honest; in many ways he was an
honest man. If he had not been trying too hard to be a
Christian he would have become enlightened. He missed
enlightenment for the simple reason that he was trying
too hard to be a Christian. Rather than being himself he
was trying too hard to follow the Ten Commandments, to
follow in the footprints of Jesus. And, of course, when
you follow somebody else this is going to happen again
and again: you will do something which should not be
done, and again and again you will not be doing the
thing that should be done. And that creates a division,
a split.
If you do what should be done, what is told by the
others, then your nature suffers. Then you have to
repress, and nothing that is repressed is going to
remain repressed forever. It will assert itself again
and again, it will start surfacing, because it is
accumulating momentum, energy.
Ruth was too shy to confess, so the priest offered
his help.
"Did he do this?" asked the padre, kissing her.
"Yes, Father, and worse."
"YOU mean he did this?" he said, touching her breasts.
"Yes, Father, and worse."
Finally he had intercourse with her. "You mean that is
what he did?"
"Yes, Father, and worse, too!"
"What worse could he do?"
"He gave me the clap, Father!"
The so-called religious person is bound to be
repressive, and those repressions will create
perversions. All sexual perversions are created by the
so-called religious people. The amazing thing is that
they are the people who are against all perversions --
and they are the creators! They are the culprits, the
criminals. For example, they condemn homosexuality, and
the source of homosexuality is religious, because
religions always separated men and women. For monks
there were different monasteries, for nuns there were
different monasteries called nunneries, and they were
not allowed to meet, mingle, merge with each other. Now
if you put many people of the same sex enclosed behind
walls for long periods... and there are monasteries in
which you enter once and then you cannot leave; you
enter for your whole life. Now, thousands of men living
together and thousands of women living together without
any way to transform their sexual energies, without
knowing anything of Tantra, because they are afraid of
knowing anything of Tantra....
Tantra is the only science which can transform your
energy; there is no other science which can transform
your sexuality. Just as when you want to know something
about atoms you have to know physics and if you want to
know something about chemicals you have to know
chemistry, the same way, if you want to understand sex,
without Tantra there is no other way, no possibility
that there will ever be another way. Tantra has to be
understood, but these people are afraid.
Because I have been talking about Tantra, the religious
people are against me. They never told their people how
to transform their sexual energy, so it was bound to be
that the nuns would become lesbians and the monks would
become homosexuals. Homosexuality has its roots in
religion -- it is a religious phenomenon.
Father Sanchez, a priest in Venezuela, went to the
Caracas hospital with a stomach tumor. As a gag they
told him he was pregnant and that his child had to be
delivered by Caesarean section. He was given the baby of
an unmarried girl who had died in childbirth.
The priest brought up the baby as his son. Years later,
on his deathbed, Father Sanchez called the boy to him.
"There is something I must tell you," said the priest.
"You have always called me father, but now that I am
about to die I have to tell you the truth. I am not
really your father, I am your mother."
"Then who is my father?" asked the boy.
"The Archbishop of Caracas!"
Because I call a spade a spade, the so-called religious
people are against me. I can understand their anger and
I have no reaction to it. I have only compassion. I can
understand why Jesus prayed to God at the last moment on
the cross, "Forgive these people because they know not
what they are doing." The same is my feeling: they know
not what they are doing. And they are so unconscious
that they are bound to behave in this way.
And you all have to understand it, and you all have to
be very compassionate, because what can they do? For
centuries they have been told lies, for centuries they
have been brought up on lies and they have accepted them
as truths. And I say it is not truth; what you are
believing is a lie.
Every belief is a lie. Truth has to be
experienced, not believed. Truth liberates, but it has
to be your own experienced truth; anybody else's truth
is bound to create bondage for you.
To help a prisoner who has lived always in a prison to
be free is a difficult task, but it is a beautiful
challenge too. I have accepted the challenge and I am
trying to do whatsoever I can. And of course, the more I
succeed in doing it, the more the crowd, the mob will
become against me. But I have to do my work and I enjoy
doing it. Even if I am crucified for it, that will be
perfectly okay as far as I am concerned. That will be a
perfect reward for my work!
Source - from Osho Book "Guida
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