Jiddu Krishnamurti - Our problems
arise because we are conditioned
Question: Do you have a technique which I can learn
from you, so that I, too, can carry your message to those who are full
of sorrow?
Jiddu Krishnamurti : Sir, what do you mean by carrying a message? Do
you mean repeating the words - propaganda? The very nature of propaganda
is to condition the mind. Every form of propaganda - the Communist
propaganda, the religious propaganda, and so on - is to condition the
mind, is it not? If you learn a technique as you call it, a way, and you
learn it by heart and repeat it, you will be a good propagandist; if you
are keen, clever, if you are capable of using words, you will condition
those that hear you in a new way instead of the old way, but it is still
conditioning; it is still limited. And that is our problem, is it not?
Our problems arise because we are conditioned. Our education conditions
us. Is it possible for the mind ever to be free from conditioning? You
can only discover that state. You cannot say whether it is possible or
not possible. When you ask, "Have you a technique?" what do you mean?
Perhaps you mean a method, a system, which you learn like a schoolboy
and repeat it. Sir, surely the problem is something much more
fundamental, radically different, is it not? There is no technique to
learn. You do not have to carry my message, what you carry is your
message, not mine, sirs.
This existence, this misery, this confusion is your problem. If you
understand it, if you can understand the experience of a conditioned
mind and go beyond, then you will be the person who is teaching; then
there will be no teacher and no disciple. But then, you have to
understand yourself, not learn my technique or carry my message.
Sir, what is important is to understand that this is
our world, that together we can build this world happily, that we - you
and I - are related together, that what you do and what I do inwardly
matters, that how we think is important, and that thought, which is
always conditioned, will not solve our problem. What will solve our
problem is to understand the ways of our thinking.
The moment we understand how we think, there will be a
radical change inwardly; we will no longer be Hindus, Christians,
Communists, socialists, or capitalists; we shall be human beings, human
beings with passion, with love, with consideration. That cannot come
about by merely learning a technique or carrying somebody's message.
You cannot have love through technique. You can have sensation through a
technique, but that is not love. Love is something that cannot be told,
that cannot be carried across through newspapers or through techniques
or through propaganda. It must be felt, it must be understood. But if
you repeat love, love, love, it has no meaning. You will know of that
love when the mind is quiet, when the mind is free from its
conditioning, from its anxieties, from its fears. And it is that love
which is the true revolution that will alter the whole process of our
Source - Jiddu Krishnamurti, First Talk in Bombay 1953
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