Jiddu Krishnamurti on best
way to help in spreading his Teachings Propaganda, which is repetition, does infinite harm. A lecturer who goes out doing propaganda for an idea is really a destroyer of intelligence. He repeats an experience which he or another has had. Truth cannot be repeated; truth must be experienced by each one. Now, with this understanding, what can you do to help further my teaching? All that you can do is to live it, to live that which you understand completely and vitally, enthusiastically, with vigor. Then, like a flower in a garden, the perfume is spread abroad. So, likewise, the perfume of your life will be carried by the winds. You do not need to do propaganda for the jasmine; its perfume, its loveliness bring life. Only when you have not the loveliness, the beauty, you talk about it and thereby cover your own emptiness and ugliness by words which have little meaning. But, when you yourself have an understanding, then you inevitably talk about it and shout about it from housetops. A dead thought can never be systematized and spread abroad through propaganda. A living thought cannot be the instrument of exploitation; a living thought cannot be accepted from another, you must discover it. As the bees come to a flower, and as the flower does not do any propaganda for itself that it has honey, so a living thought creates the nectar. But without this nectar, to do propaganda is to deceive people, to exploit people, to create division among them, and to breed envy and antagonism. But if there is that nectar of understanding, however little, then it will nourish people. If there is understanding in your heart, that itself will bring about the miracle of regeneration, not tomorrow, but from moment to moment. There is understanding only in the now. Love is not in the net of time - you either love now or never. Source - Jiddu Krishnamurti book "On living and dying" |