Adi Shankara Vakya Sudha verses
Seer and Seen
- The form is seen, the eye is
seer; the mind is both seen and seer. The changing moods of mind are
seen, but the witnessing Self, the seer, is never seen.
- The eye, remaining one, beholds
varying forms; as, blue and yellow, coarse and fine, short and long;
and differences such as these.
- The mind, remaining one, forms
definite intentions, even while the character of the eye varies, as
in blindness, dullness, or keen-sightedness; and this holds also of
hearing and touch.
- The conscious Self, remaining
one, shines on all the moods of mind: on desire, determination,
doubt, faith, unfaith, firmness and the lack of it, shame, insight,
fear, and such as these.
- This conscious Self rises
not, nor has its setting, nor does it come to wax or wane; unhelped,
it shines itself, and illumines others also.
The Personal Idea
- This illumining comes when the
ray of consciousness enters the thinking mind; and the thinking mind
itself is of twofold nature. The one part of it is the personal
idea; the other part is mental action.
- The ray of consciousness and the
personal idea are blended together, like the heat and the hot iron
ball. As the personal idea identifies itself with the body, it
brings that also a sense of consciousness.
- The personal idea is blended with
the ray of consciousness, the body, and the witnessing Self,
respectively -- through the action of innate necessity, of works,
and of delusion.
- Since the two are bound up
together, the innate blending of the personal idea with the ray of
consciousness never ceases; but its blending with the body ceases,
when the works wear out; and with the witnessing Self, through
- When the personal idea melts away
in deep sleep, the body also loses its sense of consciousness. The
personal idea is only half expanded in dream, while in waking it is
- The power of mental action, when
the ray of consciousness has entered into union with it, builds up
mind-images in the dream-state; and external objects, in the waking
- The personal form, thus brought
into being by the personal idea and mental action, is of itself
quite lifeless. It appears in the three modes of consciousness; it
is born, and so also dies.
More Vakya
Verses -
Power of Glamor,
Steps of Soul Vision,
Freedom & Final Peace
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