Adi Shankara Vakya Sudha verses - Six Steps of Soul Vision
- Therefore setting aside this division
through name and form, and concentrating himself on Being,
Consciousness, Bliss, which are undivided, let him follow after
soul-vision perpetually, first inwardly in the heart, and then in
outward things also.
- Soul-vision is either fluctuating or
unwavering; this is its two-fold division in the heart. Fluctuating
soul-vision is again two-fold; it may consist either in things seen
or heard.
- This is the fluctuating soul-vision which
consists in things seen: a meditating on consciousness as being
merely the witness of the desires and passions that fill the mind.
- This is the fluctuating soul-vision which
consists in things heard: the constant thought that "I am the self,
which is unattached, Being, Consciousness, Bliss, self-shining,
- The forgetting of all images and words,
through entering into the bliss of direct experience -- this is
unwavering soul-vision, like a lamp set in a windless place.
- Then, corresponding to the first, there is
the soul-vision which strips off name and form from the element of
pure Being, in everything whatever; now accomplished outwardly, as
it was before, in the heart.
- And, corresponding to the second is the
soul-vision which consists in the unbroken thought, that the Real is
a single undivided Essence, whose character is Being, Consciousness,
- Corresponding to the former third, is that
steady being, is the tasting of this Essence for oneself. Let him
fill the time by following out these, the six stages of soul-vision.
- When the false conceit, that the body is
the Self, falls away; when the Self supreme is known; then,
whithersoever the mind is directed, there will the powers of
soul-vision arise.
- The knot of the heart is loosed; all
doubts are cut; all bondage to works wither away -- when That is
known, which is the first and the last.
More Vakya Verses -
Seer and Seen,
Power of Glamor,
Freedom & Final Peace
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