Osho on Swami Prem Chinmaya's deathQuestion - Osho, Please say something to us about Swami Prem Chinmaya's death yesterday. Prem Samadhi. Osho - THE First THING about Prem Chinmaya s death is that it was not a death at all. He died very consciously. Ie died so beautifully! It was rare. Ten years ago when he came to me I was afraid that he might die before he could taste something of deathlessness, because he was suffering from such a disease... it was incurable. But he was a rare individual. He lived for these ten year's by the
simple strength of his individuality.
His body was not capable of living. The doctors were puzzled, the
physicians were unbelieving, but
I knew the secret. He was not afraid of death, but he wanted to grow to
a certain point before death
happened. And he managed it!
And the moment he was ready I allowed him to go. I had to tell him, ”Now
you can drop your body.”
He died from his sixth center. To attain to the seventh would have been almost impossible in such a condition; even this was almost a miracle to achieve – to die from such a height. The moment Sheela reached Chinmaya’s room he immediately said, ”Did Osho call you to his room?” She was surprised because it is very rare that I call anybody into my room. In these six years I may have called Sheela only thrice, so it was not an every-day thing. And Sheela may be the only one besides Vivek and Laxmi who has ever been called to my room? But immediately he asked, ”Did Osho call you to his room? What did he say? What is his message?” A deep communion had started happening lately. And when Sheela told him, ”Now Osho has said that you must rest, relax, go deep into yourself and forget about the body”... It was very difficult to forget the body because his body was in immense pain; it was not an ordinary pain. No pain-killer was of any help. Great doses of pain-killers were being given to him, but nothing was helping him. It was even impossible to help him to go to sleep; the pain was so great that it was keeping him awake. He laughed and he said, ”Yes, I will do it!” Thrice in the night, again and again he asked Sheela, ”Please tell me
again what is the message of
my Master? I don’t want to forget his message at the last moment.” He told Sheela that he wanted to listen to this series – that he hoped at least he would be able to listen to the first lecture. And he managed! Yesterday he listened to the whole lecture – and fully conscious. With all that pain he listened to the lecture. Then he asked for the last time about the message, and then he closed his eyes and disappeared. This is not death, this is something far more beautiful. This is let-go. This is surrender. This is love! He trusted me so totally. He died beautifully, silently, in utter relaxation. I am happy about him. I was afraid that he may not be able to survive even these years, but it was through his sheer determination, his sheer will power that he survived. The body would have died at least six years ago; for six years he lived a kind of posthumous existence. He would have still lived – he could have still managed at least for three months – but I saw no point in it because it was not possible to attain more in this body than whatsoever he had attained. The body was getting rotten, absolutely rotten, and he was in such a good space that I did not want him to get disturbed as far as his inner space was concerned; I wanted him to leave. There are moments when one should depart. He was in such a positive mood in such a negative body, he was in such a healthy mood in such an unhealthy body. Just the other day when I was telling you a joke about Jesus and the man who was suffering from cancer I was remembering Chinmaya and he was listening! And he must have laughed because he loved jokes. The angels who must have carried him must be puzzled because he is at least six years late. Three Italians arrive in paradise. St. Peter asked the first one, ”Who
are you?” ”Now tell me, were your old prayers of any use?” He never wanted to let me down. He loved me tremendously.
His name, Prem Chinmaya, means love and consciousness. He was both. He
was love and he
became consciousness. He died with great love and with great
It is not death at all, Samadhi – it is transcendence of death. Source - Osho Book "Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1" Related Osho Discourses: |