Question -
I was wondering
earlier, how many of your Sannyasins do You personally know? I mean,
there are over a thousand People here. Do you know most of them
personally, I mean? Osho - I know
them individually, not personally. And I make a distinction between I am not interested in people's personalities. I know
them individually. That means I know them in their very essence. When I
pass by the side of a sannyasin, I don't know the name but I know at
what stage of meditation the individual is or whether he has at all
progressed in meditation or not.
The person may be a man or a woman -- does not matter. What matters is his essential being, how close he has come to his essential being. Closer he comes to it, a certain aura arises around his body, a certain fragrance. You can immediately recognize that here is someone who is very close to the center, and when somebody reaches the center, then it is as if a house was dark and suddenly you have switched the light on. Even from the outside you can see through the windows the house is on light. Ordinary people are just without light. Even from
their windows you can see only darkness. And when a person reaches to
his center of individuality, suddenly he is aflame. And you can see --
from his eyes, from his gestures, from his words, the way he walks. His
words start becoming more poetic. His walk becomes more of a dance. His
gestures have a grace that was never there before. I am knowing my
people only in that inner context, and it is almost impossible to know
them personally. One million people around the earth -- how can I know Source - Osho Book "Last Testament Vol 4" Related Osho Discourses: |