Jiddu Krishnamurti on Existence of GodQuestion: I pray to God, and
my prayers are answered Is this not proof of the existence of God? The
questioner approaches what he calls God through supplication and
petition. You cannot find reality through sacrifice, through duty,
through responsibility, because these are means to an end, and the end
is not different from the means. The means are the end. So, what happens? You put out your begging bowl to someone; it does not matter who it is - an angel, or your own projection whom you call God. The moment you beg, you have something - but whether that something is real or not is a different question. You want your confusion, your miseries solved, so you get out your traditional phrases, you turn on your devotion, and the constant repetition obviously makes the mind quiet. But that is not quietness - the mind is merely dulled and put to sleep. In that induced quiet, when there is supplication, there is an answer. But it is not at all an answer from God - it is from your own ornamental projection. Here is the answer to the question. But you do not want to inquire into all this, that is why the question is put. Your prayer is supplication - you are only concerned to get a response to your prayer because you want to be free from trouble. Something is gnawing at your heart, and by praying, you make yourself dull and quiet. In that artificial quietness there is a response - obviously satisfying, otherwise you would reject it. Your prayer is satisfying, and therefore it is what you yourself have created. It is your own projection that helps you out - that is one type of prayer. Then there is the deliberative type of prayer to make the mind quiet, receptive, and open. How can the mind be open when it is conditioned by tradition, the background of the past? Openness implies understanding, the capacity to follow the imponderable. When the mind is held, tethered to a belief, it cannot be open. When it is deliberately
opened, obviously any answer it receives is a projection of itself. Only
when the mind is unconditioned, when it knows how to deal with each
problem as it arises - only then is there no longer a problem. As long
as the background continues, it must create a problem; as long as there
is continuity, there must be ever increasing turmoil and misery.
Receptivity is the capacity to be open, without condemnation or
justification, to what is; and it is that from which you try to escape
through prayer.
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