Osho on Importance of Trees and Ecological balance on
earth Osho - Friends, today I am going to talk first about religion and the crime that it has committed against humanity, nature, environment, ecology. Religion's crimes are many, innumerable, but the worst crime is that it has placed man at the center of existence. It has given the idea to the whole of humanity that the whole existence is for your use: you are God's greatest creation. A man-oriented vision of existence is bound to create catastrophes in nature, it is bound to destroy the ecological balance, it is bound to give man the strange idea of an ego. The Bible says God created man in his own image, and man has believed it. Just look at your face in the mirror: is it God's face in the mirror? The truth is that Christianity has been befooling humanity. It is not that God made man in his own image, it is man who has made God in his own image. And all the scriptures of all the religions have given man a strange licentiousness over nature, over animals and birds. That has culminated in destroying many species of animals, birds. It has destroyed millions of trees for no reason. Every second that passes, one football ground is cleaned of all greenery, all trees.
When India became independent, it had thirty-three million hectares of trees. Today it has only eleven million hectares. This man-centered view begins with Genesis, in the Bible. In Genesis it says: "Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." This is the ultimate crime that has made man violent against nature, given him the freedom to conquer innocent animals, to destroy them. It has made man barbarious. Now we are suffering because all those trees have been destroyed and more are being destroyed continuously. There is a certain balance in existence. These trees are your brothers and your sisters, there is no question of dominion. You exhale carbon dioxide, they inhale it. They exhale oxygen, you inhale it. Such a deep relationship... You cannot exist without trees, nor can trees exist without you; your existence is so deeply rooted in each other. As trees have become less and less, the level of oxygen in the air has gone down and down and down. Now you are living only a fragmentary life. You may not have thought about it.... Why don't you breathe fully? Your lungs have six thousand sacs which have to be filled, but you breathe shallowly, so only two thousand sacs are filled, and four thousand remain stagnant, filled with dead carbon dioxide which is the cause of millions of diseases. It reduces your lifespan, it weakens your spirit, it destroys your intelligence. You are living at the minimum just because of this statement in Genesis that you "have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." Man has killed so many beautiful species of animals just for his food, has killed so many birds -- whole species have disappeared. In India, the lion was the national animal, but stupid hunters -- particularly the British hunters, who have been in power in this country for almost three hundred years -- destroyed all the lions, the most beautiful animal in existence. Such a dignity, such power, such grandeur! And what were they doing? -- just decorating their sitting-rooms with the stuffed heads of the lions. Today the whole species is on the verge of disappearing. There are not more than two dozen lions in the whole of India. The Indian government had to change its national animal from the lion to the tiger, because lions are going to disappear. When a lion dies, it is never replaced. And it is not only the British Christians who destroyed them; even Hindu monks sit on a lion's skin. You will not believe how stupid people can be. Religion seems to give a certain stupidity to people who were born intelligent. The Hindu monks sit on the skin of a lion -- and of course, one lion has to be killed for one monk -- and the ideology that they preach is that by sitting on the lion's skin you can remain celibate. My foot! Stupidity has no limit. What does the lion's skin have to do with your celibacy? Lions are not celibate; one has never heard about a lion who was celibate. What scientific proof is there? I don't know a single monk who is a celibate, and I have known thousands of monks -- Hindus, Jainas.... Source - from Osho Book "One Seed Makes the Whole Earth Green'
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