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Question - Beloved Osho, Many times in my meditation I asked you not to show me directly the tremendous tragedy that is happening on earth today, As I know I could never tolerate such suffering. Yet I'm sensing this all the time, even with my buffers. I know you are the light for this whole planet, and knowing this carries such a responsibility. I would be so grateful to hear you speak to me on helping, knowing I can't help, and the angst of feeling helpless -- and also of relaxing when feeling such a state of urgency.

Osho - Prem Kaveesha, I can understand your anguish about the whole of humanity, about this planet earth; because every day we are coming closer and closer to a disaster. It is because the disaster is coming very close; even with your buffers you cannot forget it -- and it hurts. And it hurts more because you feel you cannot help; you cannot do anything. It is simply beyond the capacity of any individual to prevent this calamity, this disaster, this global suicide that seems to be almost certain. But I have a way of my own.

You feel helpless because you think in terms of helping other people to understand, and that is an impossible job. The world is so big, and people are so full of violence that it seems the calamity is not coming from outside, but it is the accumulated violence in people themselves that is going to explode this earth.

But don't think in terms of helping. Then you will not feel helpless and you will not feel tense. I don't feel helpless, I don't feel tense, I don't feel any anguish -- and I am more aware of it than you can be -- because my approach is not of helping anybody, but just for you to raise your own consciousness to the highest peak possible... of which you are perfectly capable.
If we can create only two hundred enlightened people in the world, the world can be saved.

Osho on Saving Mother Earth

Kaveesha was born in a Jewish family, hence she will understand a beautiful story. In the OLD TESTAMENT it is mentioned that there were two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, and both became sexually perverted. In Gomorrah, homosexuality was so prevalent, and in Sodom people had fallen even lower in their perversion: they were making love to animals. Hence, the English word "sodomy" -- it comes from the city of Sodom. And God decided to destroy those two cities completely.

He destroyed those two cities completely -- and it is very strange that those two cities had the same population as Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by man, but the OLD TESTAMENT story is that God destroyed those two sexually perverted cities. What I am going to tell you is a Hassidic story based on the OLD TESTAMENT version of the destruction by God of two sexually perverted cities.

Judaism has blossomed in its totality in Hassidism. Hassidism is a rebellious, and essentially religious, phenomenon. All the religions have given to the world something beautiful -- although those religions were against that something beautiful -- except Christianity.

Mohammedanism has given Sufism, although Mohammedans have killed Sufis. Buddhism has given Zen, although Buddhists don't accept Zen as an authentic teaching of Gautam Buddham. Hinduism has given Tantra, but Hindus are very much against Tantra -- and that is their very truth. It is a very strange thing... and the same is the situation with Judaism.

Hassidism is a small, rebellious phenomenon within the world of Judaism. The man who founded Hassidism was Baal Shemtov. He also relates the story and you can see the beauty and the difference. Somebody asked him, "What do you think about Sodom and Gomorrah?"

And Baal Shem said, "That story is not written in its completion. I will tell you the whole story." And he said, "When God declared that he was going to destroy these two cities, one Hassid, a mystic, approached God and asked him, `If in these cities there are one hundred people who have experienced you, what will you do with these one hundred people? Are you going to destroy them too, with the whole cities?'

"For a moment God was silent and then he said, `No. If there were one hundred awakened souls in these two cities, because of those one hundred people these two cities would be saved; I would not destroy them.'

"The Hassid mystic said, `If there were only fifty, not a hundred? Will you destroy these cities, and those fifty awakened people?'
"Now God saw that he had been caught by the mystic. He said, `No, I cannot destroy fifty awakened people.' And the Hassid said, `I want you to know that there is only one man who is awakened; six months he lives in Sodom and six months he lives in Gomorrah. What do you say about it? -- Will you destroy the cities?'
"God said, `You are a very cunning fellow. Who is this man?' He said of course, `I am.'

"And God could not deny him because it is not a question of quantity, it is a question of quality: one awakened person or one hundred awakened persons. The awakened person cannot be destroyed by existence, because the awakened person is the longest dream of existence itself, the deepest longing of existence itself -- to reach to the stars." And Baal Shem said that Sodom and Gomorrah were never destroyed.

Jews are angry about Baal Shem, that he is just inventing this story; the whole story is written in the OLD TESTAMENT. The Jews don't accept the Hassids as authentic Jews. In the same way, everywhere the really religious person will be condemned by the so-called religious.

Whether Baal Shem invented the story or whether he was telling the true story, I am with him. In the first place a God who believes in destruction is not a God. A God who cannot transform people from their perversions is not a God. Baal Shem is not only saving those two cities, he is also saving God's godliness: his compassion, his love, his understanding.

Kaveesha, forget all about the world. You become the one Hassid, the one mystic. And if we can create around the world just two hundred enlightened people.... That number is also exactly like Baal Shem's Hassid. When he started talking with God, negotiating, it was only a question of two cities. The world has become big and it is a question of the whole world -- so I am starting negotiating with two hundred. But I want to tell you that even two enlightened people will be enough, and the world will be saved; because existence cannot destroy its own ultimate flowering.

So you forget about the world; otherwise it will create unnecessary anxiety and will destroy your own awakening, which is the only possibility to save the world. Anybody who wants to help the world should forget about the world and concentrate upon himself. Raise your consciousness to such a height that existence has to think a second time whether to destroy this world or to save it.

The masses as they are don't matter; existence will not care about them. In fact, existence would like this whole humanity -- this rotten humanity -- to be destroyed, so that evolution can start from scratch again. Something has gone wrong....

But if there are a few enlightened people, they are far weightier than billions and billions of people on the earth. Existence cannot destroy the world -- not only because of those few people who are enlightened; but because of their enlightenment, the unconscious masses also become valuable, because it is from these unconscious masses that those Himalayan peaks have arisen. They were also unconscious yesterday, today they are conscious. And existence is very patient: if it sees that unconscious people can become fully conscious, then this great mass of people, which is absolutely unconscious, also has a possibility.

I depend on the individuals, not on the collectivity. The collectivity is so rotten that it will be an act of compassion to destroy it. But we have to prove that out of this unconscious, almost dead humanity, a few lotuses can blossom. Then, just given time, perhaps more lotuses will be coming. Some may be just buds, some may be just in the seed; but even if there is one man who is enlightened, with him the whole of humanity becomes valuable, because that man shows the hope that every man is capable of the same miracle.

So, Kaveesha, forget about helping. You cannot help; nobody can help. But you can become a mystic, a Hassid, and you can argue with God, that "I am here; are you going to destroy me? And these people who are somnambulists, walking in their sleep -- I was also one of them. That is my yesterday. These people should be given their tomorrows. There is every possibility that every human being can become a Gautam Buddha." This is the only way to save this beautiful planet earth.

Source - Osho Book "The Rebellious Spirit"

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