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Swami Vivekananda Poem - Kali the Mother

The stars are blotted out,
The clouds are covering clouds.
It is darkness vibrant, sonant.

In the roaring, whirling wind
Are the souls of a million lunatics
Just loosed from the prison-house,
Wrenching trees by the roots,
Sweeping all from the path.
The sea has joined the fray,
And swirled up mountain-waves,
To reach the pitchy sky.

The flash of lurid light
Reveals on every side
A thousand, thousand shades
Of Death begrimed and black-
Scattering plagues and sorrows,

Dancing mad with joy,
Come, Mother, come!
For terror is Thy name,
Death is in thy breath,
And every shaking step
Destoys a world for e'er.

Thou Time, the All-destroyer!
Come, O Mother, come!
Who dares misery love,
And hug the form of Death,
Dance in destruction's dance
To him the Mother comes.

Note - This Peom was Written by Swami Ji in Kashmir, on a houseboat, on Dal Lake, after visiting the Kshir Bhavani Temple.




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Swami Vivekananda Poems - Poem1, Poem2, Poem3, Poem4, Poem5, Poem6, Poem7, Poem8,
Poem9, Poem10, Poem11, Poem12, Poem13, Poem14, Poem15

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