Lao Tzu Quotes and Sayings
- The Tao is forever nameless.
- In the pursuit of learning, every day something is added.
In the pursuit of the Tao, every day something is dropped.
- Many words lead to exhaustion.
Better to hold fast to your centre.
- Fish are best left in deep waters.
And, weapons are best kept out of sight.
- Surrender your self-interest.
Love others as much as you love yourself.
Then you can be entrusted with all things under heaven.
- Act without striving.
Work without interfering.
Find the flavour in what is flavourless.
- The True Person does not wish to be great
and therefore becomes truly great.
- Heaven and earth last forever.
The reason why heaven and earth last forever
is that they do not live for themselves.
Hence, they last forever.
- The ancients who practised the Tao
did not use it to enlighten the people,
but rather to assist them in gaining simplicity.
The reason people are difficult to govern
is because they are too clever.
- People often ruin their ventures when they
are on the verge of success.
So, be as careful at the end as at the beginning,
and your work will not be ruined.
- Knowing others is to be clever.
Knowing yourself is to be enlightened.
Overcoming others requires force.
Overcoming yourself requires strength.
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