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Lao Tzu Quotes


Lao Tzu Quotes and Sayings

  1. That which goes against the Tao will quickly pass away.
  2. All under heaven will return to the Tao
    as brooks and streams flow home to the sea.
  3. A person of high virtue is not conscious of virtue
    and therefore possesses Virtue.
    A person of little virtue tries to be virtuous and therefore lacks Virtue.
  4. To know that you have enough is to be rich.
  5. The True Person benefits yet expects no reward,
    does the work and moves on.
    There is no desire to be considered better than others.
  6. Why are the people starving?
    Because their leaders eat up too much of the tax-grain;
    that is why the people are starving.

  7. There is no greater offence than harbouring desires.
    There is no greater disaster than discontent.
    There is no greater misfortune than wanting more.
  8. The wise student on hearing the Tao diligently puts it into practice.
    The average student on hearing the Tao keeps it one minute and loses it the next.
  9. Those who hold fast to the Tao
    do not try to fill themselves to the brim.
    Because they do not try to be full
    they can be worn out and yet ever new.
  10. Returning is the direction of the Tao.
    Yielding is the way of the Tao.
    The ten thousand things are born of Being and Being is born of Nonbeing.
  11. The ten thousand things flourish and then
    each returns to the root from which it came.
    Returning to the root is stillness.
    Through stillness each fulfils its destiny.

Lao Tzu Quotes: Quotes2 | Quotes3 | Quotes4 | Quotes5 | Quotes6