you don't need anything
except yourself and your totality
you don't need to learn
any thing
it is an simple unlearning process
whatsoever you know does not fulfills you
All I am here is to
remind you
that you are perfect in your peak state
if you know how to arrive at your peak state
then you are perfect
don't change any thing
simply the way you are,
you are perfect
but where is that perfect moment in you
simple answer
peak and you will know
and it may happen through meditation
it may happen through run
it may happen through jog
it may happen through swimming
it may happen through any device not unneccesarily
bhagwan does not ask
anyone to change in anyway whatsoever
transformation is a different matter and a different plane
change requires horizontal movement
learning more and getting more experience and gaining knowledge
makes one more knowledgeable
transformation requires vertical movement
unlearning and experiencing inner states
and drowning into knowing leads to awareness
change requires therapies
and groups and information
transformation requires meditativeness and awareness
just living in this
moment to moment
is an experiencing of a high peaked state of relaxed awareness
the western mind
translates awareness to mean
to become more and more aware of this or that
the eastern wisdom understands awareness to imply
to just becoming aware of awareness itself
change is horizontal whereas transformation is vertical
not accepting yourself
requires change
just be yourself and transformation happens
doing always leads to
more doing and more doing
being is simply…being herenow
and growing in the being herenow
just being…pure being
the western mind is
obsessed by doing more and more
restless and constantly on the run
just cannot sit still into being
the grace that descends…just by being…still
being leads to being
doing leads to the mind
and all its traffic of madness
more confusion and delusion and further away from your centre
awareness is a state of vertical stillness
awareness is the no mind state in the present moment
to become aware of awareness leading to a state of pure isness
where the experience and experiencer
dissolve into a state of experiencing
where the observer and the observed become one into a pure witness