Swami Rajneesh Quotes on
- samadhi is the atomic explosion
of the sushumna blue line
triggered by meetings of several chakras
in a rapid vertical atomic explosion
experiencing beyond the boundaries of the bodymind form
one with the open sky
- satori is the atomic explosion of any one
the chakra experiencing an immense overflowing
reaching beyond the boundaries of the bodymind form
one with the open sky
- satori a glimpse into the beyond
the after effects of satori last a week or so
samadhi an explosion into the beyond
the after effects of samadhi last for a few months
- satori the experience in small measure
single dimensional one chakra
samadhi the experience immeasurable
multidimensional several chakras
- samadhi has irreversible effect
and a tall vertical opening into the sky
with ascent of gravity
and descent of zero gravity to fill the vacuum
displacement of gravity creates an inner vacuum
and existence has no allowance for vacuum
with gravity displaced
zero gravity needs to take its place
- the initial experiencing of emptiness in
becomes filled with the fullness of zero gravity and the being
emptying out mind…gravity
filling in no mind…zero gravity
- the superconciousness that is released
into the sky
the body slowly pulls it back trapping it inside for protection
each samadhi enlarges the core
and requires the body to settle in again
- the body needs deep preparation
the explosive openings of consciousness
requires vast spaces to expand into
the body must be totally relaxed and open
each muscle sponge like porous and absorbent
a breathing organic whole
an expanded breath…one breath
a vast pool of powerful stillness gathers
i am aware an inner storm is going to arise
and implode into another samadhi
- samadhi is the minimum requirement for
transmission of the lamp
- the disciple must have had atleast one
an opening in the crown vertically ascending into the sky
the masters being can descend down
this vertical passage and create roots
become present in another form and continue his work
- it was clear to me
that he (bhagwan) went through five deep samadhi experiences
all over a period of eighteen years
samadhi samadhi samadhi samadhi the final samadhi
explosion explosion explosion explosion the final implosion
samadhi where the dewdrop slips into the ocean…
becomes the ocean
- the dewdrop surrenders
disappearing into the ocean realising its magnitude
it loses nothing…it becomes as vast as the ocean
- but the ocean disappearing into the
such infinite grace
the ocean becomes the dewdrop
the mighty bows to the small
only the east has known such depth of expression
just this understanding and experience is worth dying for
- i always knew that i would bide my time
till i completed the final step
michelangelo hid his david till the last
then revealed the masterpiece to the world
not before the fourth samadhi
when the last layer was thin and transparent
would i begin his work or speak
Swami Rajneesh Quotes :
| No Mind
Meditativeness | Therapies
Transformation |