Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes on
- Society is the product of relationship, of
yours and mine together. If we change in our relationship, society
- Do what you will, withdraw to the
mountains, sit in a forest, you cannot live in isolation. You can
live only in relationship, and as long as relationship is not
understood, there can be no right action. Right action comes in
understanding relationship, which reveals the process of oneself.
Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom, it is a field of
affection, warmth, and love, therefore a field rich with flowers.
- Relationship is not only between people
but between ourselves and nature, between ourselves and property,
between ourselves and ideas; as long as that relationship is not
fully understood, there must be fear. Life is relationship. To be is
to be related and without relationship there is no life. Nothing can
exist in isolation; so long as the mind is seeking isolation, there
must be fear. Fear is not an abstraction; it exists only in relation
to something.
- If you observe yourself in relationship
with others, do you not find that relationship is a process of
self-revelation? Does not my contact with you reveal my own state of
being if I am aware, if I am alert enough to be conscious of my own
reaction in relationship? Relationship is really a process of
self-revelation, which is a process of self-knowledge.
- Relationship has very little significance
when we are merely seeking mutual gratification but becomes
extraordinarily significant when it is a means of self-revelation
and self-knowledge.
- A man who seeks to avoid the world is
still related; he is running away from conflict and not
understanding it. In relationship, which is activity between you and
another, the ways of the self are revealed.
- Relationship means communion without fear,
freedom to understand each other, to communicate directly. Obviously
relationship means that - to be in communion with another. Are you?
Are you in communion with your wife? Perhaps you are physically but
that is not relationship. You and your wife live on opposite sides
of a wall of isolation, do you not? You have your own pursuits, your
ambitions, and she has hers. You live behind the wall and
occasionally look over the top - and that you call relationship.
- In order to understand relationship it is
important to understand first of all what is, what is actually
taking place in our lives, in all the different subtle forms; and
also what relationship actually means. Relationship is
self-revelation. it is because we do not want to be revealed to
ourselves that we hide in comfort, and then relationship loses its
extraordinary depth, significance and beauty. There can be true
relationship only when there is love but love is not the search for
gratification. Love exists only when there is self-forgetfulness,
when there is complete communion, not between one or two, but
communion with the highest; and that can only take place when the
self is forgotten.
- We use relationship as a means of
self-forgetfulness, and as long as relationship does not show us
what we actually are, we are satisfied. That is why we accept the
domination of another. When my wife or husband dominates me, it does
not reveal what I am but is a source of gratification. If my wife
does not dominate me, if she is indifferent and I discover what I
really am, it is very disturbing. What am I? I am an empty, dour,
sloppy being with certain appetites - and I am afraid to face all
that emptiness. Therefore I accept the domination of my wife or
husband because it makes me feel very close to him or to her, and I
do not want to see myself as I am.
- Relationship is sought where there is
mutual satisfaction, gratification; when you do not find that
satisfaction you change relationship; either you divorce or you
remain together but seek gratification elsewhere or else you move
from one relationship to another till you find what you seek.
- Love alone can bring about a radical
revolution or transformation in relationship; and love is not a
thing of the mind. Thought can plan and formulate magnificent
structures of hope, but thought will only lead to further conflict,
confusion and misery. Love is when the cunning, self-enclosing mind
is not.
- If you do not understand the relationship
between yourself and your wife, between yourself and your child, how
can another resolve the conflict arising out of that relationship?
Similarly with ideas, beliefs and so on. Being confused in your
relationship with people, with property, with ideas, you seek a
guru. If he is a real guru, he will tell you to understand yourself.
You are the source of all misunderstanding and confusion; and you
can resolve that conflict only when you understand yourself in
- To go beyond the self-enclosing activities
of the mind, you must understand them; and to understand them is to
be aware of action in relationship, relationship to things, to
people and to ideas. In that relationship, which is the mirror, we
begin to see ourselves, without any justification or condemnation;
and from that wider and deeper knowledge of the ways of our own
mind, it is possible to proceed further; it is possible for the mind
to be quiet, to receive that which is real.
- Life is relationship with things, people,
and ideas; and if we do not meet these relationships rightly, fully,
then conflicts arise from the impact of the challenge.
- First of all there must be a quiet mind,
an undisturbed mind, to understand anything, especially something
which I do not know, something which my mind cannot fathom - which,
this questioner says, is God. To understand anything, any intricate
problem - of life or relationship, in fact any problem - there must
be a certain quiet depth to the mind.
- The understanding of relationship comes
only when this process of self-criticism is understood and the mind
is quiet.
- To understand relationship, there must be
a passive awareness - which does not destroy relationship. On the
contrary, it makes relationship much more vital, much more
significant. Then there is in that relationship a possibility of
real affection; there is a warmth, a sense of nearness, which is not
mere sentiment or sensation.
- The man who possesses money is the money.
The man who identifies himself with property is the property or the
house or the furniture. Similarly with ideas or with people; when
there is possessiveness, there is no relationship. Most of us
possess because we have nothing else if we do not possess. We are
empty shells if we do not possess, if we do not fill our life with
furniture, with music, with knowledge, with this or that. And that
shell makes a lot of noise and that noise we call living; and with
that we are satisfied. When there is a disruption, a breaking away
of that, then there is sorrow, because then you suddenly discover
yourself as you are - an empty shell, without much meaning. To be
aware of the whole content of relationship is action, and from that
action there is a possibility of true relationship, a possibility of
discovering its great depth, its great significance and of knowing
what love is.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Quotes on -
Ambition |
Awareness |
Creativity |
Education |
Educator |
Love |
Meditation |
Sex |