Question - Beloved Osho,
I am Aware of my need for Approval and Acceptance from others. I don't
want to be driven by this need. How does it resolve?
Osho - One has to see the foolishness of it. It is
not a question of resolving it. One has to see the ridiculousness of it,
then it falls. It is not resolved. Diseases are not to be resolved; they
fall away. Just try to see the foolishness of it.
I will tell you a few anecdotes. A woman, newly
arrived to live in a spacious mansion, met the woman she knew lived in a
cottage at the edge of her estate.
"Welcome to our little community," greeted the cottage dweller.
The new resident, drawing herself up haughtily, replied, "Please do not
address me. I never speak to an inferior."
"Oh," replied the cottage dweller sweetly, "and where in the world did
you ever meet one?"
Everybody is an egoist. It is difficult to see that you are in the same
boat. You can see all others in the same boat. Just see it -- that
everybody in deep ignorance remains an egoist, goes on thinking in terms
of the ego. Nobody is there in the world to fulfill your ego; everybody
is trying to fulfill his own. Who has time to fulfill your ego? And if
sometimes somebody fulfills your ego, he must be fulfilling it as a
means to fulfill his own.
Basically, everybody is interested in himself. As you are interested in
yourself, others are interested in themselves. Just become aware of

Everybody is trying to compete; and in this competition, and in this
egoistic, ambitious race, one is destroying all that is beautiful. One
is destroying a beautiful life that could have flowered and become a
pinnacle of existence -- Buddha-like, Jesus-like, Krishna-like. But
everybody is asking others, begging: Approve of me! Say something that
gives me a good feeling about myself. Hence, flattery works. Hence,
anybody can deceive you just by flattering you. And people go on doing
things which they never wanted to do, but they go on doing them because
that is the only way they can get the approval of others. Everybody is
distracted from his destiny because others are looking, and they have a
fixed idea as to how to approve of you.
It happened in a town: The new bride had returned to the small town
after her runaway marriage. "I suppose my elopement was a nine days'
wonder around here," she commented to the village's lone policeman.
"It would have been," he replied, "only the Smiths' dog went mad the
same night."
People go on wasting their time and life and energy. There is no need!
In fact, as you are, you are perfect. Nothing is to be added to you. God
never creates anybody imperfect. How can he create anybody imperfect?
You have heard religious people teaching you: God created the world. And
they go on teaching you: You are created by God in his own image. And
still they go on teaching you: Become perfect!
This is simple absurdity. God created you in his own
image, and still you need perfection? Then God must be imperfect. How,
out of God, can imperfection come? Creation carries his signature. You
also go on carrying his signature. Drop this begging!
Somebody is asking for money, somebody is asking for
bread, somebody is asking for approval. All are beggars. Don't ask. In
asking you will miss much that is already available to you. Look rather
than asking. Look within yourself and the emperor of emperors is there.
Start enjoying it, start living it!
It happened: The famous college athlete had just
returned from the Olympics with a chestful of medals when he fell ill.
At the hospital the doctor took his temperature, shook his head
doubtfully, and said, "You're running a temperature of a hundred and
"Oh, yeah?" answered the athlete weakly. Then, suddenly interested, he
asked, "Hey, doc, what's the world record?"
Drop all this nonsense! You are already approved of, otherwise you could
not have been here. God has accepted you, given birth to you. If van
Gogh paints, whatsoever painting he creates is already approved of --
otherwise he would not have created it in the first place. If Picasso
paints something, in the very painting, the painting is approved of. The
painter has put his heart into it. Just go deeper into your own being --
God has put all the treasures that you need there. He has approved of
you, accepted you. He is happy that you are!
But you don't look there. You are asking from others
like a beggar: Approve of me! -- and they are also beggars just like
you. Beggars asking beggars. Even if they approve of you a little, they
will wait for you to approve of them. It is going to be a bargain. And
just think of it: they don't have anything to give to you when they
themselves are begging; and what can you give to them when you yourself
are begging? Just a little alertness and one drops all begging. And with
that, ambition drops, ego drops. One starts living.
Dance, while you are alive. Breathe blissfully while
you are alive. Sing while you are alive. Love, meditate, while you are
alive. And once you change, you shift your consciousness, your focus of
consciousness, from the outside to the inside, you feel tremendously
happy and blessed. Just to feel "I exist" is such a blessing that
nothing else is needed. "I exist!" -- all the dance, all the song, all
blessings, are included in it. "I exist!" -- God is included in it.
Don't make your God a beggar. Be a God! Recognize your
godliness and then there is nothing to achieve. One has simply to start,
one has to start to live. Live like a god: that's my message to you. I
don't say: Become a god. I say: You are! Start living! You are --
recognize it! You are -- remember it! You are -- just become mindful of
it. There is nothing to be achieved. Life is not an achievement, it is a
gift. It has already been given, for what are you waiting? The door is
open, and the host has already invited you. Come in!
Source - Osho Book "The Search"
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