Jagatguru Kripaludasji Maharaj |
Osho on Jagatguru Kripaludasji Maharaj Osho - Have you not dreamed sometimes that you are awake? I think everyone has sometimes dreamed that he is awake, and only when he wakes up does he find, "My God, that was a dream! I thought I was awake." You can dream within a dream, within a dream.... For example, you can dream that you are going to your bedroom fully awake. You are going to your bedroom -- in a dream -- lying down on the bed, pulling your blanket up, falling asleep and dreaming that you have gone to see a movie. And you see the movie. In the movie you can see a man who is asleep and is dreaming -- it can go on ad infinitum. You can go on stretching the idea: a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream -- there is no problem in it. You can dream that you are awake -- and there are many people who think they are enlightened... they think! I have come across such people. One man came to see me when I was in Raipur. This man was a very famous Hindu sage, Jagatguru Kripaludasji Maharaj. Jagatguru means a world teacher; Kripaludas, servant of compassion; and Maharaj, the king! He had many, many followers. Particularly in Raipur, he was the most famous teacher, and people believed that he was enlightened. Somebody told me, "Kripaludas is visiting the town.
Wouldn't you like to come?" That was all. He enquired about me and the next day he
came to visit me, and he said, "How did you find out? -- because I also
think the same, that I am enlightened." Thinking is part of the imaginative process. "Thinking is dreaming in words, and dreaming is thinking in pictures. That's the only difference between the two." Dreaming is a primitive kind of thinking. Because the
primitive man has no words, he thinks in pictures. Then as books become of higher grades, the mango goes on becoming smaller and the words become more, with more descriptions of the mango: what kind of fruit the mango is, what kind of taste, where it is found. And the mango goes on disappearing, becoming smaller and smaller. And one day there are no pictures in the book. Source : Osho Book "From Personality to Individuality"
Osho discourse on : Confucius, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Dalai Lama, Swami Ramtirth, Swami Vivekananda, Vishnu Devananda & Ram dass, Yogananda |