Osho - Unless a man is creative, he cannot find much joy in lifeQuestion - Beloved Osho, Sometimes life seems to be
such a drag that I would rather like to die. Any advice? In fact, even the people who commit suicide don't want
to commit suicide. They commit suicide because they expected too much
from life and they could not get it. The failure was so great, that to
live shamefully became difficult. They committed suicide not against
life; they committed suicide because they could not manage to learn the
art of life. Birth is only an opportunity -- you can make it or mar it. Birth is not equivalent to life. Almost everybody thinks that birth is equivalent to life; so it is bound to become a drag -- just breathing, eating every day, going to sleep, waking up in the morning, going to the same office, the same files and the same routine. For idiots it is perfectly okay, but for anybody who has some intelligence it is bound to become drag. Because he can see -- what is the point? Why after all am I living? If tomorrow is again going to be just a repetition of today, as today has been a repetition of yesterday, then why go on living? What is the point of unnecessarily repeating the same circle, the same routine, the same happenings?
But the fallacy is in the fact that you have accepted a wrong concept, that birth is life. Birth is only an opportunity. Either you can learn to live a beautiful life or you can just drag yourself towards the graveyard. It is up to you. There are people for whom life is a drag, and there are people for whom even death is a dance. I want to say to you that if you make your life an art, your death will be the culmination of the art -- the highest peak, a beauty in itself. Millions are there, who are in the same position as your question. They don't know why they are living and they don't know if there is any point in dying either. Life is futile -- how can death appear to be significant? So they are afraid of suicide also, because if life is such -- just a dark hole -- death is going to be even worse. One day I saw Mulla Nasruddin with his gun, a rope,
and a tin of kerosene oil. I said, "Where are you going, Mulla?" Don't bother whether you become a world-famous artist or not; that is not the significant thing. But create something -- a beautiful song, a little music, a dance, a painting, a garden. And when the roses blossom... you cannot say that life is a drag with so many roses blossoming. A beautiful painting... you cannot say life is a drag, because this painting has been created for the first time in the world and for the last time. Nobody has done it before, and nobody will do it again; only you were capable of doing it. Express your uniqueness in whatsoever you do. I have always loved a story about Bokoju, a Zen master. He was ninety years old when he died. Three days before, he informed all his disciples: "If you want to come for the last goodbye, then come. In three days' time I am going to leave the world." So thousands of his disciples came -- and he was one of the most unique masters Zen has produced. On the third day, in the morning there was a great gathering in his garden, and he was lying under his most beautiful tree. He suddenly asked, "Just tell me one thing: In what way should I die? -- because I don't want to die like everybody else. Ninety-nine percent of people die in their beds." He said, "That is out of the question. Remove the bed from here!" The bed is the most dangerous thing. Ninety-nine percent of people die there, and every night you go to bed without thinking of the danger. When the light is turned off, just put your mattress down on the floor. Then there is some chance of surviving -- death may try to search for you on the bed and may not be able to find you. Bokoju said, "Take this bed away from here, and
suggest something, something unique, worthy of Bokoju." But Bokoju said, "That is not very unique, because
many people have died in that posture." Now the problem was... The disciples said, "What to
do?" -- because they know what has to be done when a person dies in his
bed. But what to do with this fellow who has died standing on his head? And Bokoju laughed and said, "Okay sister -- because I
cannot disobey you. I was almost dead. I was just waiting to see what
these people would do trying to work out what to do with me after death.
But these idiots have brought you here! And you always were a killjoy.
You've destroyed the whole fun! Now I will die in the ordinary, orthodox
way." And he died. Make your life... We come with empty hands, we go with empty hands. There is nothing to lose. Just a little time to be playful, to sing a beautiful song, and the time is gone. Each moment is so precious. If you are silent, if you are creative, if you are loving, if you are sensitive to beauty, if you are grateful to this vast universe... There are millions of stars, which are dead -- and you are so small, yet you have the most precious thing in existence... life. And not only life, but the possibility of becoming a consciousness, of becoming enlightened, of coming to a space where death has never entered. If Bokoju is not serious, the reason is because he knows there is no death, it is only changing houses, or changing clothes at the most. It is excitement -- even death is a great excitement and ecstasy. It is just your wrong approach. Drop it, and don't drop it slowly slowly, piece by piece. Drop it totally, instantly. When you go out of this place, go dancing and singing. Let the whole world think you are insane, that is far better. Source - Osho Book "The Beloved, Vol2"
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