Question - Beloved Master, Where do Rebellion and Surrender meet? Osho - Prem Rajo, rebellion and surrender meet in the idea of the ego. Drop the ego and simultaneously surrender happens, and rebellion too. I know what you mean by your question. You mean that rebellion and surrender seem to be polar opposites -- how can they meet? How can one be rebellious AND surrendered? That's your question. That's how mind thinks about rebellion and surrender; through the mind you cannot see them meeting anywhere.A man who is surrendered will look nonrebellious. A man who is rebellious will always be disobeying -- how can he surrender? He may die, but he will not surrender. You know only one kind of surrender: the surrender
that is forced on you, the surrender that is not done by you but you are
made to do it -- at the point of a dagger you are forced to surrender.
That is not the surrender I am talking about. When you surrender to me you are not surrendering to anybody in particular -- because I am not there as a person. And when you surrender I am not accepting your surrender, remember -- because there is nothing to surrender, just a false idea of the ego. It is like a man who believes that he is rich and he
is not, and he comes to me and he says, "I surrender my whole kingdom to
you." I say, "Okay, I accept." I have one hundred thousand sannyasins in the world -- now, if I have to keep one hundred thousand egos, then Vivek will go mad! She goes mad about other things she has to arrange. So many presents come to me and she wants to dispose of them immediately, because it becomes a burden on her to go on collecting them and to keep track of where they are and to keep them clean. Now she is very much worried about my fountain pens. She goes on asking every day, "When are you going to distribute these?" -- because it is becoming a problem for her. I think I must have two hundred or more, and I am waiting so that at least I can give one fountain pen to each sannyasin -- I am waiting! Right now it will be a problem for me; whom to give and whom not to give, so I go on telling Vivek, "Wait a little, wait." And I tell many people, "Go on bringing them!" Now Niranjana is going especially to the West to bring as many fountain pens as possible. But if I have to keep all these egos it will be impossible -- Lao Tzu House is too small! I accept your ego happily because there is no problem in accepting it. You are not giving anything to me, I am not taking anything from you. But you are getting rid of an idea, a fantasy, and your getting rid of it is the point. It is not surrender forced on you; it is surrender out of your own understanding. And then rebellion happens on its own accord, because a man without the ego is the most rebellious in the world. Again remember: when I use the word 'rebellion' I don't mean it in the political sense. A man without the ego cannot have any politics. Politics needs great egoists; the whole game of politics is the game of ego, it is an ego trip. When you are no longer burdened by the ego, when you have been unburdened, when the master has taken your so-called ego away from you, your life will be that of a rebel, of tremendous revolution. You will not be a Hindu and you will not be a Mohammedan and you will not be a Christian and you will not be a Jaina. This is revolution. You will not be a German and you will not be a Japanese and you will not be an Indian. This is revolution. You will not belong to any religion, to any sect, to any society, to any tradition. This is revolution. And because there is no ego, God can flow through you;
great creativity becomes possible. THIS is revolution! And you will live
now in a total let-go; in fact God will live through you -- not you. And
God cannot be a slave, and God cannot be reduced to any slavery, and you
cannot be reduced to any slavery either now. Source - Osho Book "The Dhammapada, Vol4"
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